Zettai Kareshi! I want one of those!

May 06, 2008 20:15

grrrrr, darniiiiiiiiiiiiiitttt!!! Zettai Kareshi Ep 3 left me hanging!!!!!! Argh!!! I knew this was coming because I read the manga sometime last year, but I wasn't expecting it to come this soon!!!

What Yna is talking about (spoilers!!!) )

learning japanese, dorama, zettai kareshi, whatever

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makro14 May 10 2008, 12:22:08 UTC
...Let's continue here~! XD *no enough space left again XD*

Aww,you're sick now? >.< Get better soon, dear~~~! *brings Ryo and Tesshi over to makes Yna feel better* :3~

Wah, you really like Zettai Kareshi ;D I watched only 20 minutes of first ep, and... well, why it's so different from manga? T^T But Hiro *o* He's handsome as always *o*

omedetou on finishing your exams! and once again, gomenasai for replying so late!

Thank you~~ ^__^ Ah, don't worry about that ^_^~~ You had deserved vacation, desu ne? :3~~ Aww, I want vacations too >.< But even if my exams are over I still have to learn a lot to get some grades :x July, come faster~!

when does your vacation start? our school year is different from everywhere else, it seems >.< here, classes start in June and end in March! XD
Ehh?! XD Really XD? Here classes start in September and end in July XD

hoa!!! big files!!! but there are softsubs for the rest of the eps?
Yup, tehre are softs ^^

I downloaded the 1st ep of Last Friends w/o subs, and it was about 1gb! XD but I didn't watch the next eps, Ryo's char scared me too much ;_;
Aww, first eps are always so big XD~ I haven't heard about Last Friends, well, maybe because I'm not that interested in Ryo ;P Oh oh, you watched Yamada Tarou Monogatari~? I have still 4 eps left, I really love it ^__^ And because of that I'm addicted to "Happiness" again XD

yesss, my dear love was in My Boss!!! which is also why I watched it, muhuhahahhaa! ;p I didn't finish Gachi Baka, because one of my friends (she watched it for Massu) told me that I wouldn't like the ending. I hate the girl Massu and Tesshi both seem to want!!!! X(

Hm, ending wasn't that bad ;P Well... okay, somehow it was XD And I don't like this girl either >.<

I hope you've had lots of rest now that your exams are over, dear~!!! *hugs* and again, honmani gomen for not replying for more that a weeeek!!!!! *bows very low*

Well, I was supposed to have free time now, but... still a lot to learn =_= Gosh, I want vacations >.< Now~! >.<
Ah, really, kinishinaide ^__^ I've also replied to you late, desu ne? It's not like we're always at home, playing computer XD
And well, I have that stupid situation... I need to reply from my brother's computer, because mine is strange and it just hangs when I'm using the Internet >.< And well, my brother, huh, LIKES to play computer, so it's not like I can sit here anytime I want XD"

yes, I've heard that rumor... I want to know what really happened, though... coz they're kinda acting like strangers now, and it kinda makes me sad.. :( But they're kina professional, anyway, not showing open hostility or anything...but I didn't notice that part in the making of LIPS!!! which part was that? (another excuse to watch it yet again? XD)

Ahh, I don't remember correctly, but it was somehow in the middle I think, where Kame was holding camera. Then Jin came and he talked to Kame, but he ignored him. But Jin still keep talking XD" It looked like he was talking to himself XD So just watch entire making once again~! ;P
Ah, I don't like that too >.< Okay, I know that in reality they don't love each other, but c'mon >.< Make fangirls feel better and act like you like each other, boys~! It seems like Taisuke and Hiro are after quarrel again. They acted like strangers in latest Shokura. Gosh, why? ; _ ;

+aww, too long XD+


makro14 May 10 2008, 12:22:29 UTC
awww, no Japanese restaurant there? well, if you go to a city that has one, maybe you should try it too! :D When I was really young, I thought Japanese food = raw fish XD
but now there are a lot of Japanese restaurants...no Polish ones though... :( not even in our capital city, as far as I know... *sigh* I know there are a lot of restaurants there, but I don't remember anything Polish...
Yup >.< Japanese restaurant in Poland are pretty rare - Chinese everywhere!! @.@ But well, Polish and Japanese tastes are REALLY different, that's why you can find unhealthy Chinese food everywhere here XD
Well, Polish food may seem a little... strange XD But I really like it <3 I don't know how I'm gonna live without Polish food in Japan XD So I need to find that restaurant XD! Ah, maybe we'll go together~? I'll tell you which ones are good, and then... we're gonna find and rape! our boys XD~

it's embarrassing!!! *blushes* yes, I'm shy, too, but I've partly gotten over my shyness because of college...I had to do a lot of things as an org pres, and I had to throw my shyness out the window sometimes >.<

Aww, great for you ^__^ I'm really shy and don't know what to do with this >.< I don't like to meet new people in reality because of that >.< I don't know what should I tell, how should I react... Aww ; _ ;

Ah, I like the way my brother doesn't seem to listen to any music except what he hears at home...so the songs he knows are those I like, or the ones my sister likes... or even the ones my parents listen to!!! XD so now that I'm into JE music, it's what he hears a lot, so... muhuhahahaha!!!! *thunder and lightning in the background*
my sister...I'm trying to convert her into a JE fan!!! she's now into the dramas, but I'm not entirely sure if she likes JE songs by now... Since I got a new ipod, she got my old mp3 player,with the JE music still in it! Sometimes I catch her listening to it, so I'm very hopeful! >D

Ahahahaha XD You lucky XD I won't ever be able to convience my family to JE, nor even to j-music~ XD" Well, my brother told me that music is okay, but he can't stand this language, huh XD" Since I could, why he can't, gosh darnit?! XD

Agh! Here comes my brother again T^T So I'll reply in language section later >.<


ynaoblivious May 10 2008, 18:31:57 UTC
whoa,I've lost count of how many threads we've killed already! XD
ah, I think I'm better now, thanks! ^_^

yes, they did change a LOT! but oh well, I think it would've been hard for them to make it a high school drama, since they're living together, BY THEMSELVES, in an apartment and all...not exactly what Japanese parents would approve of, I think... though they changed a lot, I think they made it better for the drama format...plus, they have 3 months to tell the whole story, ne? XD
I agree! Hiro's so cute here! and I suddenly sat up and took notice of Hayami Mokomichi, after ignoring him in the several dramas I saw him in before ;p

uwah, gambare until then! *sigh* I'll be back in school in May again :/ why oh why is school so necessary? ;_; why can't I just be a JE boy and concentrate on work? Oh right, I'm a girl,so I can NEVER be a JE boyXD

ahhhh, I think that's the school year in most parts of the world, I have no idea why ours is so different >.> And my school is even weirder, we have TRImesters instead of semesters, so school starts in the last week of May and ends in the 2nd week of April ;_;

Last Friends is Ryo's ongoing drama..I have yet to finish any single drama of Ryo's, I end up stopping in the middle of the series, or after the 1st episode @.@

Yes!!! I watched itttt!!! and I LOOOOVEEEE Sakurai Sho-kun! Err, I mean...Mimura Takuya... XD Because of that dorama, I feel like watching Arashi shows and stuff right now! XD
oh oh oh!!! I got my brother and sister to watch it tooooooo~!!! >D and they're now VERRRY familiar with "Happiness"! yessssssssss!!! the evil plot is workingggggggggg!!!!

the girl is totally EVILLLLLL, in a very very very bad sense. X( I really hated her when she almost caused her friend to commit suicide!!!! and she SMILED!!!!! X( I have no idea what their characters saw in her!

awww, you didn't have a break after exams? come to think of it, we didn't have a break after our exams in high school, as well...classes just continued after the tests, like nothing happened XD
ahhh, now that my laptop's motherboard is fried and I'm at home, I have to share the computer too... :( and that's weird, your computer hangs when you try to get on the internet? I wonder why...

awww, that's not nice... :( no more Akame love :(
Well, yes, I know they're not in love with each other or anything my not-quite-yaoi-loving mind wants to believe that until the end of time but yes, it would be nice if they acted friendly and stuff...
aww, well, boys fight...I hope it wasn't anything major and Taipi and Hiro will be speaking again in no time! unlike Kame and Jin, who have been trying to ignore each other for about a year now!!! ;_;

ahhh, I suspect you can find Chinese food almost anywhere in the world! XD there are a LOT of Chinese people in the world including some of my ancestors!!! which explains why I look entirely Chinese, or so some people say and they take their cooking wherever they go, so there are bound to be a lot of Chinese restaurants, ne? XD
O.o now I'm curious about it! what's Polish food like? :D hai! if we're in Japan at the same time, let's go together, ne? :D and for stalking JE boys, more is always better!!!
JE boys: why are there so many of you?
Fangirls: the better to overpower you, dears~!!! >D

Ah, I'm kinda like that, too...most of the time I can't look guys in the eye the 1st time I meet them! oh,what a pair Tesshi and I will make..he who can't look girls in the eye, and me who can't look guys in the eye! >.> But over the past few years, I've gotten a bit better, I think..Though I still don't talk that much to people I don't really know...I don't know what to say! XD

yessss, I'm so happy about that! ;D they're both being pulled in by the spell the jpop is casting! with a *cough* little *cough* help from their oh-so-loving older sister, of course! >D

well, maybe anime helped me like the Japanese language before JE pulled me in and made me almost NEED to learn Japanese! XD and my brother loves anime, too, so there's no problem with him not liking the language... ;D


makro14 May 13 2008, 22:41:07 UTC
Eeek, late reply again~! So sorry >.<

Maybe that's true XD I'm not some great Watase-fan, but Zettai was pretty okay XD Ah, but I'm still stucked on this first ep >.< i can't wait till next week, I'll have WHOLE free week T^T <-- tears of happiness. All I'll be doing is WATCHING XD Dramas, anime, concerts, everything~~
Ah, I saw Moko-chan only in Gokusen2, but I saw some drama commercial with him and it looked interesting, but I don't know what's the title >.<

Oh well, JE boys also need to study, and they need to work too, so they have it worse I think :P But well, since they already have a job, why they want to study? Maybe they want to be clever? XD~~ *Bakanishi, learn from them~! XD*

I finished this drama already~~ Ah, it was really good XD And Mimura-kun, kyaaaa~~ He was so kakkoi XD~~ And Yamada was strange, but it was impossible to not like him XD And Happiness, gosh, I became really addicted XD

Yeah, really >.< And she's not that pretty anyway :x Well, if you don't want to see ending you can watch all episodes without the last one XD Becase, as I remember, every episode concentrates on different student :3 and that teacher is so stupid XD Female Yankumi in stupidier way XD

I don't know why >.< It's like that after we split the Internet through the router :x

I hope it too >.< Well, I really hate yaoi and REALLY REALLY hate this whole HiroSuke pairing, but well, why they are so stupid? >.< Maybe they are jealous of each other? I mean, maybe each of them wants to be more famous than other? It's so stupid >.<

Hm, Polish food? I'm not sure how to describe it XD In fact it's a mixture of foreign culinary traditions XD" We have a lot of meat dishes, we have different kind of noodles - some like pasta and some like dumplings~ We also have raw dish - it's called "tatar". our traditional dishes are for sure "bigos" +which is made of cabbage and meat+ and "pierogi" +which are similiar to dumplings and are stuffed with cabbage, meat, fruits or quark+. But we mostly eat a lot of meat~~ The most popular Polish dish is kotlet schabowy (breaded pork cutlet) with boiled potatoes and salad XD Ah, I became hungry now, haha XD +goes to prepare some food+
Ahaha, good plan >D~~

Aww, you would be such a cute couple <3~~ I don't know what to say either XD~ I'm always afraid that I'll say something stupid and emberassing XD Though I think I'm pretty realxed and funny when I'm with my friends, becase we're always doing something stupid XD

Ah, the same with me~! It's all thanks to anime XD At first I also thought that this language is funny XD But with more anime I watched, the more I loved this lagnuage <3~~ And then I decided to look on j-music, and now... ADDICTED XD Well, my brother likes only Dragon Ball *it's hard to say, but it's thanks to my brother that I love Japan, because he showed me some Dragon Ball eps and I liked it XD Then I watched more anime, and more, and more... XD But he didn't XD*. But my sister also like some anime, like Sailor Moon, Magic Knight Rayearth, she even liked Elfen Lied~~ XD And she's reading mangaa too XD Lately she read Death Note and she realy liked it~~ But she's now in Italy, so I'm here alone with my obsession >.


ynaoblivious May 15 2008, 17:32:59 UTC
it's fine! :D

I don't take note of the mangaka's names >.> but I think I've read a lot of Watase Yuu's work, though I can't really remember the titles at the moment I just read the manga without even knowing the mangaka, unless someone tells me that the manga was written by the same one who wrote something else, etc >.< Enjoy your week of watching~!!! ;D
Ah, I keep thinking of him as Tsucchi, even though it's been a year since I watched Gokusen2 and I've seen him in a lot of other dramas since XD but now maybe I'll think of him as Nighto-kun~! XD

Yes, I often think that their lives must be hard..they can't even TALK to girls without arousing suspicion! well, not really, unless it's published by a tabloid or something... >.>
And Jin "studied" in LA for 6 months, ne? XD though I kinda wonder what kind of "studying" he did *bricked*

yes, Mimura-kun, chou kakkoii!!! =D~ Yamada is too oblivious, but he's just soooo nice that you can't help but like him! >.> but I still like Mimura-kun better >.<

hmmm, maybe I will watch it, I have nothing else to watch at the moment, anyway except for JE videos and ongoing dramas ;p *sigh* oh, my Tesshi-baby, please act in more dramas~!!!

hmm, that's why I want to be a part-time staff member at JE! XD so that I can see them backstage and get to know how they treat each other and interact when they're not in front of the cameras and I sincerely hope I won't see any yaoi stuff!!!!

ooooh, I like the sound of that! lots of meat, yay! XD I really want to try the most famous Polish dish now... >.> I'm getting hungry and it's already past midnight, noooo~!! XD
of course! the more the merrier, ne? only, not too many or we might not even get a glimpse of our JE boys! Just enough to overpower them, ne? >D

I wonder how we'd even become a couple, if we can't look each other in the eye..well, I could, after like a year XD or maybe a few months... >.>
I laugh a lot with my friends,but those who just meet me think I have no sense of humor, apparently >.> I went to see a comedy with a guy friend, and after we watched it he said "Before we went I thought you had no sense of humor, and there you were, practically rolling in the aisle!" >.< and my high school friends say my laugh is contagious, I don't even know why... >.>

well, maybe all languages sound strange at first, and you have to get used to hearing it...my love for J-stuff is all xwhimsyx's fault! She was the one who introduced me to anime (and made it stick!) and then to jdoramas, and then to jpop! (because of KAT-TUN in Gok2,my 1st jdorama)

aww,darn,why did he stop watching? :( he should watch more so he'll love Japan too~! XD
ah, I love Death Note! I haven't read the manga because I didn't want to spoil the surprise in the anime.. XD I think it's probably my fave anime!


makro14 May 21 2008, 18:43:21 UTC
Oh gosh, 6 days~! I'm a really bad girl T^T +bows very low+ But.......... No, I can't believe it~! 8 DAYS OF FREEDOM~! Anime, dramas, concerts, wait for me~~~~~~~~~~~! XD

Ahh xD The most popular Watase Yuu's work is probably Fushigi Yuugi XD I've read quite a lot of her works and I pretty like her ^_^ Najto-kun~! Ah, I need to finally watch these 2 eps XD Oh and there are already more~! And Gokusen @_@ even if I don't like cast, I'll still watch it XD~

Yea >.< It's all because of these fangirls D: "If you really love them, let them be free~!" or something like that XD But... Taipi MUST have very, veeeery cute girlfriend >.< He deserve the best~! Ah, I remember when my friend send me a scan, where Taipi was with Koki and 2 girls XD But these girls... gosh, they were so uncute T^T But of course fans said that they were just passerbies XD
Ah, only 6 months~? I'm not that interested in Jin so I didin't knew that xP~ Ahahaha, here goes your perverted thoughts? XD

+Joining+ Oh, my Taipi-baby, please act in more dramas~!!! +sits next to Yna and waits for more Taipi's dramas+

Exactly, no yaoi~! I wouldn't like it XD" I can't stand yaoi in anime, and in reality... I CAN'T STAND IT MORE XD Oh well, I I'm tolerant, it's just that I can't look at it XD~

Ahahahahaha XD We were talking too much about food, and we became hungry because of that~! XD oh, and what's Filipino food like? :3
Yea~! We have to take our boys for ourselves~! XD We'll throw Yamapi for other fangirls XD~~

Aww, really? Well, people who doesn't know me also thinks that I'm so dark and gloomy . _ . There was a boy at my school that my friend knew, so she often talked with him, but I didn't knew him, so I just stand silence. But then he officialy meet me and after we spend one day toghether he said "woah, I've never imagined that you're so funny" :xWell, I know that I'm no good in meeting new people, but c'mon XD~ iIs it really that bad? XD"

Well, it's just that asian languages for polish people's opinions sounds just funny ;P To be honest I still think that Chinese is little funny, since I don't hear this language often XD But I don't get why we have nothing against French or Italian, since there are funny too XD~~ But I have to admit that Polish people are intolerant >.<"
I've first knew anime too, but later I got used to jpop and jrock, dramas were the last XD~~

Ah, maybe XD But I don't think so >.< He doesn't like japanese stuff >.< He likes to make fun of it +Oh well, I know he's doing it only to get on my nerves XD+
Ah, really? I prefer manga than anime XD I just read 4 volumes of DN +because it's still ongoing here+ and haven't seen anime, because I want to wait till the end of manga XD But I watched 30 minutes of first movie XD~~ I like this actor who played Kira +Tatsuya-kuuuuuun~~+ *_* I liked him after Battle Royal XD~~


ynaoblivious June 2 2008, 12:57:52 UTC
oh no, I feel even worse! Now that I don't have an internet connection in my room, it's been...2weeks? Since I've spent a lot of time on the internet ;_; uwah, so what did you watch during your break? I think I missed all of it >.> Darn my lack of internet connection!

Ah, yes, I watched Fushigi Yuugi before, but only when my cousins were watching or something...

omg, I want to be Tesshi's girlfriend! But...gosh, I don't think I could ever handle having a celeb bf in reality...plus, he'd probably have a verrry pretty gf as well.. ;_;
Yup, but...6 months is pretty long for them, even a week's vacation is really long for them! Johnny! Give them more breaks!!!!! Ah, I know all about it coz he's not even in the "Bokura no Machi de" single and the "Cartoon Kat-tun II You" album! ummmm...*innocently bats eyelashes* moi? pervy thoughts? *smiles mischievously* of course! XD

lol, yes, they need to be in more doramas since they're both so cute and a LOT of people would probably watch!!!! *cough*especially us*cough*

omg, I think I would run out of JE if I ever saw anything yaoi in there... XD and I think I'd go CRAZY if one or BOTH of the guys were ones I REALLY like!!!!

yeah, lol! XD good thing I ate already this time...Filipino food is...very flavorful XD It's also colorful sometimes...People here usually use a LOT of spices to cook.. XD Lechon (roast pig) is almost a must in celebrations...and adobo is pretty popular, too... there are a LOT of different foods, because just about every place has a different specialty... Seafoods are popular where I live, and not so expensive...
lol, exactly!!! We must invite his fans so that we won't have to fight them for the boys we like ;D And they'd be so confused that we're not interested in him >.>

whoa...well, I guess it's just coz we're not comfortable with people we just meet, so we seem...un-funny >.>

I find the Chinese language difficult, because there's a certain tone and intonation and stuff, and if you get that wrong you might be saying something totally different!!! Well, maybe it's because those countries are close to you, and maybe people from those countries regularly go to your country, so they don't find them funny anymore...

Awwww... :( well, I guess all we can do is hope he gets hooked on Japanese anime or something again... >.> And I'm so happy that my brother doesn't make fun of Japanese stuff! Though my dad does, darnit... X(
I prefer anime sometimes, but the manga is more complete sometimes, too...for bleach and naruto, I think I like the anime better...though I'm totally left behind now, and have been since I got hooked on JE what? the boys are soooo much cuter than the anime and manga! XD
For DN, I saw the anime first,and didn't read the manga coz I didn't want to know what would happen next before the next ep came out...the anime was sooooo full of cliffhangers!!!
I watched the beginning and the end of the Death Note movie, the 1st one, I think...I fell asleep in the middle >.< And for some reason I haven't watched it again since I watched it last year... >.> could it also be because of the JE boys? XD JE stole my life!!!!!! >.< and I don't even mind! XD


makro14 June 6 2008, 13:59:26 UTC
It's not your fault ^_^ I can understand your situation, poor Yna-chan ; _ ; Oh, I haven't watched that much xP Some episodes of Shakugan no Shana anime, a lot of various JE videos amd Ayumi Hamasaki's concert XD" I'm too lazy even for videos XD"

I watched FY when I incidentally found it on TV O.o I was really shocked, that there was anime in Polish TV XD" So I watched it from, um, 3rd ep? And well, it wasn't that bad, despite the fact that every lines where "Miaka! Tamahome!" XD

Oh, of course we'll be their girlfriends >D Do you have any doubts? XD But well, japanese are so cute ; _ ; We really need to fight hard >.<
Poor boys >.< I want them to rest a little~!
Ah, well, true XD To be honest, even if KAT-TUN was my 2nd JE band, I don't know much about them XD~~ +well, it's my internet's fault, since I can't search any info, because it'll probably hangs and I don't like to use my brother's com >.<+

I remmeber when I almost fainted when I found that Taipi was in two dramas *_* It was almost the best day in my life XD +of course the ones when I watched it where better XD+

That's so true~! No yaoi, guys, no yaoi~

Spices *__* I love spicy food XD~ And sour *_* I love it XD~ Woah, it seems really tasty *_*

Eeeeh?! Only by tone and intonation you can say different things? O.O" Lol... O.o" It's too difficult, I prefer japanese XD" But well, maybe speaking is easier, but I read that Japanese writing is more difficult than Chinese >.> This whole kanji... Even if you'll learn a meaning of one mark, if you put it with another there's different meaning and reading~! I remember when I searched one song, but I knew it's title only in Kanji. It was "Itoshii Hito", but it was written in "Ai" kanji, then "shi" hiragana etc. So I thought it was "Aishi" and couldn't find it anywhere >.<
Well, it's just that Polish are really intolerant. It's really a shame, but that's how it is >.> There's a boy in my school, and he have an emo style. Well, he doesn't have easy life at school >.< And me too, since I wear black clothes etc. I can always hear "Satan!" and these kind of things >.> And with different languages and nationalities is the same. That's why I want to left this country, the faster the better >.<

Oh well, it's totally fine with me xP I don't need my bro to like anime, my sister is enough XD~
Well, sometimes I preffer anime too, but it's really rare xD For example, Angelic Layer anime was really funny and I liked it, but manga was pretty boring >.< Adn well, I'm a big CLAMP fan, so I never imagined that I would be disappointed :x
Haha, me too XD" I'm really left behind when it comes to anime, since I'm too much into j-music now XD"
Well, movie is pretty boring XD" Even if I like these actors, I could stand only 30 minutes >.> But trailers were sooo goood~! >.<
JE is stealing our lifes~! But well... I don't mind it either XD


ynaoblivious June 20 2008, 16:18:25 UTC
oh no, I did it again! I have to reply sooner >.< well, at least you had a break from school, ne? ;)

lol! XD I don't remember much of FY anymore :( i watched parts of it at least 4years ago! >.> wow, it was translated to Polish, too? when I watched it it was dubbed in English...

yes, atashitachi gambarimasu! ;D
Yes, they have to! I wonder if they get reaaaally sick because of all the work they have to do... :( they have to have days off sometimes! I remember when Kame said he'd only had 10days off in a year?!?! what?!?!
awww..bad computer! >.> KAT-TUN was my first JE band, and Jin wasn't there when I got to know about them, so I know all about his 6-month hiatus... :(

lol, of course! We looooove watching our boys, no matter what they're doing, ne? stalker girls!!!! XD

well, it's not really spicy but...a lot of our dishes are certainly full of flavor! if you like sour food, then I think you'd like sinigang... ;) it's a sour soup, with tamarinds...there's shrimp sinigang, pork sinigang...and whatever people feel like making, i guess... XD

yeah, i prefer Japanese as well...I don't know, I like Japanese writing better, because they have hiragana and katakana as basic writing systems... XD I don't know how to read kanji yet, though... :(
O.o whoa, that's really harsh! I think people here are more tolerant...but it sometimes depends on what city you're in...but it might be kinda hard if you're African here, people still call dark-skinned people "Negro"...

lol! XD
Angelic Layer? *will search for it* I hope it's on crunchyroll.com!
CLAMP! I think I've only watched a few clamp animes, but they're pretty distinctive, ne? I've watched xxxholic, and I liked that a lot! ;)
I'm only watching 2 ongoing animes now, neo angelique abyss (mostly coz the end theme is Aiaigasa by Tegomass XD ) and Vampire Knight~! <3 I love them both, enough to squeeze them in between the JE stuff! XD
my guy friend keeps saying "Why do you sleep through Death Note?!?! it's a good movie~!!!!" *shrug* I tried to watch it again last week and...I fell asleep in the middle, again! XD
yessss, our lives are for JE~!!! Wahahaha!!!! ~.^


makro14 June 25 2008, 12:08:24 UTC
Hey, it's really okay XD I mean, we're talking here because we want and like it, ne? It's not our duty, it's pleasure :D

Yep, and now I have a summer vacations :D~~~ But I'll probably stay at home all the time XD~ Well, I don't mind it, I like to stay at home :3~

Yup, there are translated anime here ^_^ You can also buy pretty much of them here~! But well, I prefer to buy manga, so my anime collection isn't that big xD

Hah, yes, I've seen that interview with Kame. Poor guys >.< But still, they're well known, are well paid *I'm so sure of it, Yokoyama lied XD* and I think that they like what they're doing ^_^ *oh well, I would probably get bored fast, but that's only me XD It's because I'm Aquarius xD*
Very bad computer! >.> I need to do something with it, but I really don't know what >.< I probably should buy some new parts... Awww, my wallet's in pain ;w;

Yeah, I love even watching Taisuke in Hadaka no Shounen, where he's only eating XD~~ But lately I saw Hyakushiki, when a girl threw a cake on his face, because he said wrong answer in quiz XD That was awesome~~ XD

Haha XD Really, I love sour dishes *_* Every evening I drink home made lemon juice, of course without sugar, only lemon and water *_* So yummmmmmmy <3~~

Yea, it's so comfortable, that in Japanese are Hiragana and Katakana~ Oh well, at least hiragana... I don't get why they have katakana >.< In China, when they have a foreign word, they just write it normaly, but in Japanese - here goes katakana~! And well, it's sometimes really hard to understand these words XD
Oh, I'm still not that good in kanji, but I can read it a little ^^
I hate intolerance >.< I can even stand these all barbie-like girls, even if I really hate them, but okay, I don't care about them. But well, people here like to show that they are "da best", so they want to proof their strength by bullying other peoples >.<

Aww, yesterday my friend told me some strange things Japan :x It's really abnormal country @.@ They have, um, "little boys butts" for pedophiles, and well, it's a legal item @.@ And well, current fashion... All you have to do is wear your trousers UNDER your hips, so you'll show 90% of your underwear. I mean, c'mon >.>" I really love this country mostly because of cute boys, but... I will never say again that it's a normal country XD"

Yep, and that's why I love CLAMP <3 I remeber those old times, when I saw Magic Knight Rayearth in TV... That was the moment I got addicted to manga and anime <3 And I love X *_* I want them to end this >.< It's probaly only one volume till end, but it's on hiatus form a couple of years ;w; Aww, XxX Holic <3~~ One of my fav CLAMP's work :3
Oh, I've heard about Vampire Knight, it's pretty famous~! But lately I've watched only Shakugan no Shana and I'm currently downloading second season of Higurashi no Naku Koro ni *_* I love this anime, it's so... psychodelic *w* And there will be the movie~! Trailer was pretty nice *_* I want this movie now~!
Haha XD Well, DN movie is worthy to watch only because of L <3 He looks really great in the movie :3


ynaoblivious June 26 2008, 10:04:18 UTC
argh, lj erased my reply as I was writing it!!! X( anyway...
hai~! it's because we enjoy it, ne? but still, it feels better if I reply sooner, ne? XD

uwah, I like staying home, too~! more time to watch JE stuff!!! XD

I wonder how many languages animes are translated into...I know there are animes and j-dramas dubbed in Filipino (our national language) but I prefer watching them in Japanese with English subs... Filipino gives me a headache... >.>

I somehow suspect the Kansai JE guys are paid less than Tokyo JE guys, though they have the same amount of work... :/ I wonder if/how much JE Jrs are paid...hmmm...
I hope they DO enjoy their work! If they don't it would be torture! :(
Bored? with what? I get bored easily, too, especially if I don't like whatever it is I'm doing...

Maybe you could get it checked at a computer shop...? It might be something minor that can be fixed easily, and it might not be so expensive... ^_^

I've never seen Hadaka no Shounen!!! or Hyakushiki!!!! what's Hyakushiki, by the way? :"> *searches in crunchyroll and google* oh, no subs on crunchy...? :( is it a Kisumai show?

uwah, without sugar?!?! I don't think I can drink something like that! plus, lemons are expensive in this country XD they don't grow here, so we have to import them

yeah, I don't get katakana, either...why can't they just write foreign words in the Roman alphabet?! >.> that way we wouldn't have to study three writing systems! >.< and yes, like "Chirarizumu", I had no idea it was "Japanese-English"! something they invented ;P and "asfaruto" (from Real Face lyrics), it took me a while to find out that it was "asphalt"! XD why oh why can't they just write it normally? >.>
I can read some kanji, but not a lot...and I just recognize some, like I know their meanings, but I don't know how to read them XD
Well, I think there are many forms of intolerance in different countries...someone "different" isn't so easily accepted, ne? :(

O.o that's really weird!!! That's legal?!?! wth?!
And...that's the new trend? Ewww, gross! that's weird! Well, I have to admit the JE boys are darn cute, but... I'm never buying pants like that, ever!!! >.< I wouldn't want to show my underwear, OR my butt, to the whole world!!!

awww..why is it on hiatus, I wonder? that's such a cliffhanger, not having updates for 2years!!!
I haven't watched any of the animes you mentioned! I was an anime fan for...only about a year?and I only depended on my friend's recommendations... XD what she watched, I'd watch too, eventually... >.>
You know what? I forgot what L looks like in the movie! probably because I was asleep for most of it and saw him at the end for like 2 minutes...? >.< I have to remember to watch it sometime!!! without falling asleep, this time.. >.>


makro14 June 28 2008, 13:21:47 UTC
Awww >.<
Haha XD But I also need to reply faster >D" But here comes my Internet's problems >.<

Nihahahaha XD~ Oh well, I'm still too lazy, even for JE videos XD I would just.... sit at home and, well, do nothing XD

J-dramas too? Wow *w* We only have animes and sometimes some j-movies.
Haha, you don't like your own national language? XD

Maybe that's true, but hey, Kansai Jrs are more popular in Kansai, Tokyo Jrs are more popular in Tokyo XD But yesterday I've read about "bad rumours about JE" again, and I really feel bad now >.< (it was on D-addicts forum, I still ned to read more because managed to read only couple of pages.) Sometimes I really want Johnny to die Dx Okay, that was harsh, but... what about this whole "harassment" case? And well, JE is such a giant in Japan now. If JE doesn't like you - then you're screwed, you can even kill yourself >.< But even if there are rumours like that - parents still are sending applications to JE >.> Someone on the forum said right thing - Japan is really different culture, and even if we are like "Oh my God", they are "Oh, whatever" >.< But still, our boys doesn't look like they have some trauma or something and I doubt, that they would be able to hide something like that. So maybe that's just a rumour. Aww, it must be >.< But still, JE is really scary @-@

Hm, bored of everything XD No matter what I'm doing, no matter if I like it or not, I'll become bored very fast. I really hate this, because I'm involved in very much various things, like manga scanlating group, JE's videos translating group, have 2 websites etc... And I've already got bored of most of them >.<

I've been already at a computer shop, he said that it's... false Windows fault O.o' I mean, c'mon, where it's related? @.@ My brother said that it may be a network card's fault, so when I'll have some money I'll try not to buy any j-cds XD and buy this card >.<

Hadaka no Shounen is a program where they're going to various restaurants and just eating XD There are always two boys from JE and one food specialist xD~ And Hyakushiki is hosted by one of the V6 and there are various juniors - there's a lot of Taisuke there *_* And there was also Yodogawa <3~~ It's kinda boring show, especialy episodes where they are just talking (it's a show when they are talking about one topic and they're answering the questions about this, for example about Tokyo Tower etc. When they had a topic about "chocolate", Taipi got this choco bath XD And lately they had this "sweets" topic and that's when Taipi got cake on his face XD). You can download this show here: http://www.heysayheisei.com/hyakushiki/?p=95 But there are no subs >.< But well, if you find a good episode, it's still funny just to watch it XD

Yup, without sugar <3~~ It's really tasty <3~~ I told you that I love sour dishes XD~~ Really? They aren't expensive here xD I don't know if they are imported here xD"

Ehh? Chirarizumu?! I had no idea either XD Well, that's probably because katakana is easier for them, because they can say it in their own accent XD" But it's horrible for foreigns XD
To be honest I know a lot of kanji thanks to songs titles XD If I don't know it meaning or reading, I just check it on the web xD~

Yes, that's legal >.< I had the photo, but my computer hanged when I was loading this image >.< My archives is gone ; _ ;
You can see that new trend here: http://www.wordpress.tokyotimes.org/?p=2095#comments Aww, gross >___< Yes, exactly! What is it, an exposition or what? XD"


makro14 June 28 2008, 13:22:32 UTC
Haha, too long message XD" Here's the rest:

Yea >.< It's on hiatus because it's mostly about the end of the world and it had earthquakes in it. And when it had to come to end, there was a really big earthquake in Japan and a lot of peoples died, so one of the CLAMP friendn told them that she can't read X anymore because she remember about that earthquake. So they decided to put that title on hiatus
Well, I'm an anime fan for 5 years now, but still didn't watched that much xD" Well, mostly because for 2 years I'm focused on j-music XD Oh well, as for me it depends. Sometimes I'll find something recommended on the Internet, sometimes I'll just get interested by characters design in some M&A magazine... XD
Ahh, really? XD I decided to watch this movie only because of him! XD I saw him in trailer and searched in the web - he looks awesome *_* Even if I don't like this actor XD But as L he's so hot *_* Haha, so good luck! XD


ynaoblivious June 30 2008, 13:30:20 UTC
lol, I'd definitely watch DVDs of series I like (CSI, House M.D., jdramas) and some JE vids!!! My free time belongs to JE!!! and even time I should spend doing something more productive >.>

yup, that's how I got into JE, coz apparently they showed Gokusen on tv and my roommate bought a pirated DVD, thinking it was a J-movie...and the rest is history!!! so really, it's all her fault that I'm so into JE and Japan in general >.>

Ummm, yes, I don't like it because (1) I'm better at English than any other language I know, (2) My birthplace has it's own language (apparently it's too different from the national language to be called a dialect, it's a completely different language) so I didn't use the national language much. Now I have to use it everyday, because I'm in our country's capital, and they use Filipino. >.< proof of my dislike of our own language: http://ynaoblivious.livejournal.com/22280.html#cutid1

I wonder if Kansai Jrs are more popular in Kansai, because even Kanjani8 members say they don't get recognized at all sometimes ;_; I've read some of those rumors, and I try not to read them anymore...
Today a friend of mine told me a rumor that really upset me... T_T I'm so weird, most people think it's no big deal but it's a real turn-off for me! I wrote something short about it here: http://ynaoblivious.livejournal.com/22958.html#cutid3

uh-oh...hang in there!!! don't get bored!!! TAIPIIIIII~!!! HELP AGATA!!!! ;D There, I bet you wouldn't be bored then, ne> ;D

hmmm, maybe Microsoft found out through the internet that your copy isn't licensed and decided to block something? but that's kinda weird...maybe it is the network card... the internet's the only problem with your computer right? either way, I hope your computer works better soon! ^_^

O.o Ooooohhhh, so that's where he got the choco bath!!!! *nosebleed* that was soooooo.... *nosebleed again*
Thanks for the link! ^_^ I hope I can download soon, I can't right now coz our school blocks most download sites :(

Chirarizumu is apparently chiralism or chirarism or something...something to do with "keeping part of something hidden is more enticing than revealing everything" like...peeking or voyeurism or something >.> Oh, Kei and Shige!!! such naughty, naughty boys!!! and the translation makes them seem like middle school kids! XD
yes, it's really hard for foreigners, ne? but well, I guess since they can't pronounce most consonants without vowels right after, it would be easier for them...
Well, I'm learning kanji that way, too!!! Plus, I put the lyrics, in kanji, romaji and the English translation, on my ipod so I can try to learn how to read the words and the meanings ;)
And I wish I still had a permanent internet connection, I really like the Kanji flashcard site I found (points at the "clickables" section)

oh eeewwww, I just saw the pic of the jeans! I'm NEVER wearing something like that!!! >.>

oh, sou...well, it would be kinda insensitive to keep writing about the calamities and stuff in a manga when one actually happened recently and killed lots of people :/

lol! I remember what Light looks like, but not L, for some reason... hai, gambarimasu! I'll probably watch Death Note movie...someday... XD


makro14 July 4 2008, 15:37:53 UTC
Aww, I'm kinda sad now, because despite the fact, that I've learned pretty much lately, I didn't manage to go to the school I wanted to ; _ ; Oh but well, it's only school, after all. But still I feel bad ; _ ;

Well, it's just that I have to do a couple of things, like translating videos, editing manga etc. And if I have a free time and want to watch something, there goes my stings of remorse - "I need to work >.<" And I end up doing nothing XD

Oh well, I'm into Japan thanks to TV too, but apparently it was anime XD~

Oh, of course I can understand that ^^ It's not like I'm blaming you or something xP But well, in our country it's hard to find a place where you can talk in other languages, even in places like post or train stations, where you often can find foreigns. But Polish thinks that they doesn't need to know English~ Well, stupid country >.> When I was at post once with my father, who came back on holidays from London, where he worked, post worker was unable to help foreign from America! And my father, since he knew English very well, decided to help them - they just wanted to buy stamps >____>" I mean, c'mon >_< You're a post lady and you don't even know how are "znaczki" in English?! >_<

I think they are, but well, maybe I'm wrong XD But I think that Kanjani8 told once, that Kansai people like Kansai Johnny's more. Oh well, it's not like they are known on the whole world :P If I remember correctly, when Nicolas Cage was in Poland, there was only one fan who recognised him XD~ People just think that stars are too good to walk on normal streets and that they'll never meet them :'D
Yea, I'm trying not to read these rumours too, bet there were also some kind of interesting ones (for example, that Jin made pregnant one of Berryz Koubou, who are similiar in age to HSJ XD)and well, that kind of rumours I even like X3
Aww, poor Yna-chan But you know, a lot of celebirtes needs to smoke, since this bussines is really stressful. But I don't like that too >.< I'm trying to convince my mother to stop smoking, but well, she's really stubborn >.<

Haha, how could I get bored now?! >:D You may be sure, I won't be bored, not at alllll >:3~~

Aww, I have a repair now, and I need to use brother computer all the time, because mine had to be detach >.< Even if he's old and hangs, I love my own computer ; - ; Thanks, Yna-chan *^__^* Oh well, if he'll refuse to cooperate, I'll just destroy him XD *taking baseball bat*

Aww, I know what you mean >.< I coudln't even visit my site about music at school, because it was blocked as a "pornography site" O.o"

Nahaha, naughty boys XD~~
Well, Japanese are really bad at English. Lately I've watched Hey! Hey! Hey! with Perfume band *do you know them? A~chan is so stupid XD But still cute >xD newshfan translated one Domoto Kyoudai with them, that's my favourite episode of this program XD* And well, she wanted to say "formation", but said "feomation..?" XD Really, I love engrish xD

Yea >.> But I'm really woried about Japan, it's souch a dangerous place. A lot of tsunami, earthquakes... There were already so much catastrophes >.< And this whole political thing, with North Korea and everything. That's too dangerous >.<

I like this actor who played Light, I knew him before from Battle Royal, wich is one of my favourites asian movies <3 But I don't like the one who played L XD I couldn't stand him in "Nana", he wasn't cute enough to play Shin >.< Aww, Shin, such a cutie boy in manga <3~~ okay, it's only drawing, but he's still cute XD


ynaoblivious July 5 2008, 13:34:28 UTC
awww *huggles* is that a university you wanted to get into? that's too bad... :( maybe another school will be just as good/a better fit for you? I know how disappointing it is not to get into a school you really want to go to.. :( gambare!

well, you could say that watching is just a "short" XD break from work~! for inspiration! ;P you know how inspiring the JE boys are... XD

I watched anime before, but I wasn't that much into Japan in general...when I found out about the JE boys, I went nuts trying to learn the language, and I suddenly wanted to go to Japan to see them!!! XD JE is soooo evil!!! >.<

I think that would be more normal, that people know their own language better than any foreign language...but our country was once a colony, so maybe that explains the fact that most documents here are in English, not Filipino XD

only one fan?!?! That must've been kinda weird for Nicholas Cage, not being recognized! XD he'd be mobbed in other places... XD
And now that you mention it, I think I remember Kanjani saying something about them being more "Kansai" so the people from that region could relate more to them or something...
Haha, I've never heard of that rumor! XD I kinda can't imagine Jin with girls that young, though...that would be weird... I could imagine him with party girls or something... XD
But...but...I don't want them to smoke~!!! ;___; Tesshi better not smoke!!! it so wouldn't fit his image! XD

see, that takes care of your boredom~! take good care of Taipi, ne? ;P

destructive tendencies!!! lol! I can totally relate, when something's not working properly, I want to destroy it *prepares own baseball bat* XD

O.o porn site?!?! how could that be?!?! that's weird... it's just a music site after all...

It's so rare to find a Japanese person who's good in English, ne? I don't really know them, but I think a friend of mine made me listen to some of their songs... lol, Engrish all over the place! XD Jingrish is so fun, too, especially since he's supposedly "good" at it XD

I think it's more dangerous in this country, actually... like what happened in my hometown last week, I think... if you search for "typhoon frank" and/or "iloilo city" on youtube or google, you'll see what I mean... :( so many of my friend's homes were destroyed! ;_; thank goodness my family's safe...

Ah, yes, my friend is trying to make me watch Battle Royale, but the file is just too big!!! but I saw part of it, and I recognized Light there, too... XD
Ah, I totally understand about the cute guy in the manga! some guys in manga/anime are adorable, ne? XD


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