Zettai Kareshi! I want one of those!

May 06, 2008 20:15

grrrrr, darniiiiiiiiiiiiiitttt!!! Zettai Kareshi Ep 3 left me hanging!!!!!! Argh!!! I knew this was coming because I read the manga sometime last year, but I wasn't expecting it to come this soon!!!

Grrr, I knew that at some point Night would be reset because of a kiss, and he'd think another girl was his girlfriend, but darn! This is just too soon! It's the 3rd ep desu yo! You see, the robot is designed to be the boyfriend of the one who kisses him. The data about that girl is stored in his memory, and he will stick to her like glue. Which is a flaw in programming, if you ask me.

But of course, it makes a good addition to a fictional story, ne? The tension, the suspense, the determination of one girl to get back her robotic boyfriend. Ah, the drama. Add to that the evil "friend" who is now the girlfriend, and you have a catfight big complicated mess. Will it work out? Or will he stay with his new "girlfriend" forever? Only one way to find out: watch the next episode!

I want to see how they play this out in the dorama version, because this was quite obviously not my favorite part of the manga. It's an important part, but darn, you sympathize with the main character, and wish she'll win over that b!$#@ ill-intentioned "friend", ne?
(After all, Night is hers, bought and paid for! XP It's unfair for the other girl to just steal him away for free, while Riiko gets stuck with the 70-year loan, ne?!)

*sigh* I'm soooo tempted to look for the RAW 4th ep and download it, but...I'll be able to understand like maybe 10% of the whole thing, if I'm lucky.

Ah, I just wanted to mention this (because I'm so happy about it...well, not really, but I'm...umm, uhhh, ok, I'll go with happy):

My best friend's sister (she works as a nurse in the US) sent her a set of Japanese learning cds!!! And I ripped them all (except for the annoying, repetitive 1st cd) and saved them on my iPod! ^________^

I've already started listening to the lessons (and repeating the words and taking very detailed notes...darn, I think I might be ready to go back, after all!) and I'm pretty confident about lessons 1 to 5, and I'm now trying to master lessons 6 to 9. I'm taking them a bit at a time, but I'm too impatient (and easily annoyed) to keep listening to one single lesson again and again, so I'm trying to master 4 lessons all at once. >.<

I'm always like that, I hate repeating things. But to learn Japanese, I'm trying to be patient. And at least this time, I'm not so irritated with the accent/voice/tone/whatever of the instructors. I downloaded one of these "learn Japanese" series before, and I wanted to throttle the instructor/s because I was too irritated. But I'm pleased to say that I learned some words from those, as well. But I like this one MUCH better.

Ah, and I usually play it when my brother uses the laptop, so he can hear too. I'm trying to brainwash him into becoming a future JE boy! >;D

It's the Living Language: Drive Time Japanese set, in case you're interested. Each lesson has 6 parts: Introduction, Dialogue, Vocabulary, Vocabulary Exercise, Grammar, Grammar Exercise, and Culture Notes. It's REALLY useful. I really recommend it.

I'm thinking of uploading the whole thing, partly for myself, because I might accidentally lose my copies or something. If I do, I'll probably post links here, and in the BNS forum as well. ^___^

BUT the links aren't up yet because my internet connection is being mean. :( I'll try to upload once it's being nice again! ;D

Oh!!! Speaking of learning Japanese, I also found a site that can help with learning Kanji!!! I added it to the list of "clickables" on the sidebar, but in case you don't want to look for it there, it's over here. It's also quite useful, in my opinion. I learned the kanji for some words, and you can even create your own wordlists! I used JE song lyrics to add more kanji to my own personal list. ;P

Ok, that's it for today. I'm hungry, so I'll go eat now. Itadakimasu! ;D

learning japanese, dorama, zettai kareshi, whatever

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