So much aaaugh! today. There is much work to be done at work, and only 2 weeks to do it in. I'm not sure if I can accomplish it to my boss' satisfaction due to time constraints and the fact that he is a picky bugger, but I am mighty glad that he decided that we are not taking May off with no pay after all since my big deadline is for the end of May. Hrm. Good planning.
Second aaaugh! occured when the Boy phoned and informed me that our usually nice downstairs neighbours dragged their 4' planter over the flower bed I'd dug 2 weeks earlier and planted with sweetpeas and morning glory. This was after we'd spent all last evening chatting/gardening together in the back yard, but apparently their planter didn't get enough morning sun so it was okay to plop the thing over my flowers. Thankfully the Boy dealt with the situation before I got home, because I was on the warpath and ready to scrap. In our tenant agreement we "own" the backyard. Also, it was a douchebag thing to do. Grr.
Third aaaugh! will plague me all May, since I probably won't hear back from the
Steampunk Anthology until then. Sigh.
And that's all.