Does anyone on my f-list, or anyone reading my DW/LJ/JF, have the "" email address? Because I have a request to chat on Gchat, and have no clue who it is.
Do I really want to post "Why are some people saying Steve is racial profiling Kono in episode 5?" in the main H50 community? (Well, some variant on that, anyway.)
How the heck do I convert my OpenID account settings on Dreamwidth to my Dreamwidth account? It feels silly for me to re-add everyone I added on the OpenID account to the Dreamwidth one, but I have no clue if there's an conversion option available (yet).
I'm not the only one who thinks mullets look good on some guys in some situations, am I? Because I really don't get the mullet hate I see occasionally. Not everyone will look good with that hairstyle, of course, but that doesn't mean the hairstyle should be run out of town on a rail. Or something.
A regional magazine recently had an article on kabocha, as well as some recipes, and I immediately thought of you and scanned it. Should I upload it? =D