The reviewer wasn't kidding when s/he said not to rely on the show for driving directions. XD

Oct 25, 2010 00:25

I wanted to make a post on my reaction to the new Hawaii Five-0 earlier, but real life kept being cranky about it, especially since I'm taking a class this semester in an attempt to start going back to school. And I didn't have any plans to get addicted to a new show. Sigh.

Not to mention it took longer than I thought to get my thoughts down on the pilot episode; I haven't started on the other ones yet. More sighs.

Before I begin, I would like to say that I find the show very enjoyable to watch. It's fun, exciting, funny, and not too over the top cheesy--unlike some of the other cop shows I attempted to watch in recent years but gave up on because they were downers. The cast and their interactions/relationships with each other are a joy to watch, and I hope the show goes on beyond one season.

However, I also experience a lot of fridge logic after. This is not a negative, by the way: I'm often amused by them, mainly because I know the fridge logic is usually caused by filming/shooting constraints. Usually. That's not to say there isn't some really weird actions that can't be explained away like that, but most of the time, it's funny rather than annoying. And part of the fun I get from watching the show is to point out the "WTF" things I spot.

So! Here are my idiosyncratic and possibly wacky thoughts about the pilot episode after multiple re-watchings at the CBS website (before they took it down ;_;). Undoubtedly I missed things, but until the show comes out on dvd with subtitles, this is the best I'm doing.

Huh. I didn't know South Korea looked a lot like the Nu'uanu Pali area. Or that it was that green.

If one can use radio signals to track someone, I can buy there might be technology available to track someone using cell phone signals, especially if one is military. Granted, Hesse is a international terrorist, but I doubt he has a problem with stealing if necessary.

Accidentally killing the younger Hesse - talk about oopsies. I was scratching my head at how he apparently died from a shoulder wound, but whatever, this is tv and stuff.

If Governor Jameson is supposed to make one think of Lingle, she's doing a decent job. I don’t quite loathe her, so that's something, I guess. (Of course, I've only seen one episode with her in it, so we'll see.)

Hello, Chin Ho. Cute uniform.

Danny's ex married up, I see. Not sure what part of east Oahu that is, since I don't wander around in that area much, but definitely over there.

Aw Danny, you could have still given Grace the stuffed rabbit. It's not like Grace can hug Mr. Hoppy the way she could a giant plush rabbit. :( Also, I thought I read somewhere that rabbits/bunnies are not good first pets for kids. Makes me wonder how long Mr. Hoppy will last in that household.

Where the heck is the McGarrett house anyway? I’m pretty sure it's on the windward side, but I'm not sure that's Kailua. It would be funny if it's in the same neighborhood as the house the Obamas rented.

Oh man, it took me two re-watches to realize that's Steve's dad's blood all over the wall and trophies. D:

Ok, why the heck is Steve's dad funeral (and presumably his grave) at Punchbowl? Isn't that reserved for military, not civilian police? (OMG continuity: the answer is in episode 4.)

Hello, old Mercury that currently belongs to Jack Lord's stunt double. I'd be more surprised the guy is still alive if it weren't for the fact that Lord died from something Alzheimer's related, and Mrs. Lord died within the last... five years, I think. *quick Google search* Ok, five years ago.

Danny kind of fails at being stealthy enough to take Steve by surprise. Heh.

...ok, I don't think I have a working gaydar, or it works sporadically at best. At their first meeting, I didn’t think--wait, lazulisong said it better in chat:

I <3 her so much. =D

Although I must say, nice way to shoot yourself in the foot there, Steve, alienating the detective in charge of your dad's murder investigation. Be thankful Danny has to cooperate with you for plot reasons.

Ahahahahaha. It was raining at Danny's apartment, but the car doesn't look wet at all. And Steve sure dried his clothes quickly. XD And wow, looks like the tv gods solved the traffic problems for the show. There's hardly any cars on the road at the same time. (Yes yes, I know it's due to the tv crew closing the road for camera work. It's still funny. XD)

Huh. Are those supposed to be military shelters or something? And Mr. Doran didn't seem to care that he could have shot his girlfriend.

Wow, that trapped girl is skinny. And here's Steve's Mandarin-speaking moment.

Ok, Steve, I get you're mad your lead is dead. However, the guy was about to shoot you, and you’re not wearing a vest. If I were Danny, I'd be pissy about the situation too, especially since he got grazed due to you not wanting to wait for backup. So he totally deserves that apology from you in the car *and* he punch he gave you.

Heck with it, I am not even going to try to figure out which roads they're driving on. They are so totally random and do not look like the ones you need to reach certain destinations, like when they're going to Pearl Harbor to see Chin.

Gee, Steve doesn't seem to have problems with people overhearing his conversations, like the one he and Danny has with Chin in that snack bar. At least three tables had people, and he wasn't talking that softly near the end. And how did Danny know about Chin's 15 years of service? Did Steve look up Chin's record and share some of the info with Danny?

Huh. That place is supposed to be Waiola Shave Ice? That area don't look anything like Kapahulu or Makiki. Unless they're going for "mini-stand at the beach." And Hello There, cute little Japanese girl that Danny can pass the stuffed rabbit to. =D Although why Steve said cotton candy when he's holding shave ice, I have no idea.

Hello, new headquarters. You’re only across the street from the original one, and it's a similar style of architecture, so not too bad.

I seriously thought Chin Ho said the guy’s name was "Saimin." XD "Sang Min" don’t sound very Chinese, but it's not like the actor is Chinese (like Daniel Dae Kim isn’t Chinese or Grace Park isn’t Hawaiian), so whatever.

And hello, Kona-nicknamed-Kono. I didn't see the face of the guy you punched, but nothing about him screams tourist to me. Inconsiderate ass, definitely.

Did Steve draft Danny into helping him move stuff to his house or something? I'm kind of confused as to why Danny seems to be helping Steve with things that aren’t work related.

Yay, gratuitous shirtless Steve! XD And a little bonding moment between the guys, beer, verbal digs and all.

Wait, Kona didn't shower before the op? Or she went surfing that morning or something? I don't see how else she’d still have sand in her hair.

Huh, Sang Min had a nice luxury car. Too bad it got totaled. And nice psychological warfare there, Steve. Admittedly I'm scratching my head wondering what private school by Diamond Head the guy's son is attending, but he's supposedly 7 and there's quite a few elementary-level private schools, so whatever.

Ah, the nice shot of driving on the Ford Island bridge. I seriously doubt the folks at Pearl Harbor would allow international tankers to dock there, but it looks pretty and sunny so whatever. And since I've yet to have an opportunity to go to Ford Island, I can't tell if they actually shot the scenes with the tanker there. Oh well.

Wow, nice action with the guys against the baddies. Did Danny deliberately aim to make his bullet ricochet? And the fight between Steve and Hesse was cool. And OF COURSE Hesse falls into the water and doesn't float back up.

So that's gonna be their permanent office now? Danny doesn't have to go back and work at his precinct?

I'm not sure how I feel about Chin Ho speaking Hawaiian. It feels a little awkward, somehow. But otherwise it's a nice ending scene.

*snicker*, fandom-ish

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