I come bearing fic!

Nov 06, 2006 01:51

One good thing about my prolonged absense was that I had time to write. And Write... and write.
I worked on three projects whilst I ways gone. A Saiyuki fic I'm very pleased with (but don't know if anyone will bother reading), a HP fic I started a while ago and have now almost finished (Harry Potter and the Inspecti-Spides, the first two parts of which have already been posted up here on this journal) and a Yu-Gi-Oh NC17 slash fic. Well... light NC17, hard R.
This is the first one I'm posting because it's the scaryist and, to be honest, I can't quite believe I wrote it. I hope you like it dispite the... well... yeah. I've never done anything like this before and I still can't quite figure out why I wrote it now, but reviews are always, always welcome. I'll probably post it somewhere else later too, but for now here it is in all its... erm... glory.

Title: Body image (A working title, if you can think of a better one, PLEASE suggest it!)
Rating: Light NC17/heavy R
Pairing: Y/Y
Disclaimer: Not mine, never was, never shall be, ect.
Thanks To: Scribbler, who put this suggestion in my head with one of her fics. In which she brought up the idea that Yugi's other self is there all the time. When he's having a bath, going to the toilet, and even when he's...


Yugi’s breath hitched, he gasped… slowly… slowly… get the build-up right… eyes flitting once more to the magazine, he began to move a bit quicker. He felt a rising sensation and-
‘Aibou? I-‘
Yugi shrieked and, with lightning speed threw himself upon the bed, belly down.
Across the room the newly appeared Yami frowned. ‘Yugi?’
Yugi looked over his shoulder at him, his face so red it might have been burned to a crisp. It took him a moment to realize that, lying half naked, belly down on the covers, with his hand still on a rather intimate area of himself, was not much of an improvement to the view Yami must have had before. Though now, at least, said intimate area was hidden.
He whimpered softly before managing a strangled, ‘Hi Other Me, er… would you mind turning round a moment? Please?’
Yami cocked his head, frowning. ‘What are you doing?’
‘I’m… erm… heh... ah…’ Yugi’s entire body felt like it was burning up with embarrassment. He wished he could just turn into a small pile of ashes right there and then. Of all the times to appear! It was almost as bad as the idea of his mum catching him… or worse still his Grandfather(1).
To make it worse it seemed like Yami was absolutely oblivious to the mind bending mortification he was currently suffering from. Seemed entirely unaware, what was more, of the entire reason this situation was somewhat… embarrassing.
‘I’m… well… erm… can I not answer that right now? I’d really like to… ah… you know… get dressed?’
Yami nodded, ‘Very well.’
His other self turned round and Yugi slowly got up and began to pull up his trousers, fastening the belt buckle quickly and hurriedly slipping his magazines back under the bed.
‘Done,’ he declared at last.
Yami moved to face him again; the look of curiosity had not faded from his features.
‘You’re red, Aibou.’
‘Yes… well I am a bit embarrassed.’ His voice was squeaking again. He hated it when his voice did that.
Because you just caught me jerking off of course! was the answer Yugi wanted to scream out. ‘Because…I was naked,’ was what he said. How oblivious was Yami? Surely he couldn’t be ignorant of this? He was a genius mind trapped within a puzzle! Then again, puzzles were not known for their anatomical correctness… perhaps he honestly didn’t…
The thought was quite mind blowing, and for a moment Yugi dared hope that perhaps Yami’s ignorance might result in him accepting his answer at face value.
‘And why is that wrong?’
No such luck.
‘Because it’s me… naked!’ replied Yugi, becoming increasingly frustrated with His Other Self’s ignorance of such things.
‘So? It’s nothing I’ve not seen before.’
And the bottom dropped out of Yugi’s world laving him in a freezing abyss of shock.
Yami stepped forward, concern etched onto his features as he watched his Aibou turn from a brilliant scarlet to a bright white, before crashing down onto the bed once more in a blaze of scarlet, his hands over his face.
‘Are you alright? Aibou? Aibou!’
‘Ughhh…’ moaned Yugi weakly.
‘Is something wrong? Are you ill? Aibou!’
Yami’s voice was becoming frantic now, and Yugi was forced to respond with a weak, ‘I’m Ok… it’s just… I can’t believe,’ he let out another strangled moan, ‘Oh god, I can’t believe you’ve seen me naked! This is so embarrassing!’
‘Why?’ asked the Pharaoh again, and this time there was a note of agitation in his voice, ‘Is there something wrong with this? Is our body deficit in some way?’
Yugi was about to answer this when he did a sudden mental double take.
‘Yes. Our. We do share a body, in case you have forgotten. Your nudity is my nudity and as far as I can ascertain our body is perfectly satisfactory. If you have a problem with it then I suggest you do something about it, Aibou.’
Yugi was surprised to hear that Yami sounded almost… angry with him. He looked up from his supine position and gazed at his Other Self in wonderment.
‘Our body? But that can’t be right. I mean… when you’ve taken me over then yeah, we’re the same but… right now… we’re different.’
‘No, we’re not.’
‘But we are,’ protested Yugi. ‘You look plenty different to me! You look… better.’
Yami blinked, ‘How can that be true? We are identical. My ethereal form is based off yours, or at least your perception of your form.’
Yugi wanted to laugh at this, a rueful smile twisted his lips, ‘No it’s not,’ he assured. ‘Trust me.’
‘How is it not?’ asked the spirit, ‘What possible differences are there? How can I appear, in any way, better than you?’
‘Well for one you’re taller than me.’
‘That is because I don’t slouch.’
‘Neither do I!’
‘Yes you do. You walk around the halls as if you expect someone to hit you. Or as if you want to disappear into a corner. That won’t do.’ There was a strange note in Yami’s voice as he said this. It was almost pity and yet not. Yugi couldn’t identify it at all, so he swiftly moved onto the next item.
‘Alright then… but you’re eyes are different. They’re not as wide as mine.’
‘Are you saying I squint?’
‘No!’ protested Yugi, feeling that he was digging himself a hole here.
Yami shrugged, ‘Then I can offer no explanation except that it is because I am… more confident than you and perhaps more… guarded. You look at the world through eyes which only see the good in people.’
Again Yami used that strange, almost wistful, tone of voice. It might almost have made Yugi feel uncomfortable had it not, for some reason, also made him feel rather… good.
‘Your hair is blonder than mine!’
‘I brush some of the blond streaks up, if that’s what you mean. What is wrong with that?’
‘You’re voice is deeper!’
‘I talk with more assurance!’
‘What about our weight then?’
‘What about it?’
‘I’m fatter than you!’ said Yugi, pointing an accusing finger, ‘you’re much thinner than me!’
‘Nonsense! I tuck my shirt in and I just don’t hide behind baggy rags like you do! I have made sure we start wearing tighter clothing, if you hadn’t noticed! And it looks, I must say, far better!’
‘Don’t call my cloths rags!’ snarled Yugi, actually getting rather angry, ‘and what you make me wear makes me look pudgy!’
‘We do are not pudgy!’
The pharaoh’s voice was a growl now, his eyes narrowing and blazing with anger.
‘Yes we are! I mean, I am! Look!’ Yugi quickly stripped off his shirt, almost tearing the buttons off. ‘Look!’
‘What? You don’t seem any wider than me.’
‘Then take off your shirt! See?’
Yami’s shirt disappeared in the wink of an eye, showing smooth expanses of, (to Yugi’s eye) perfectly toned skin.
‘I don’t see any difference.’
‘How… how…?’ Yugi spluttered, ‘look! You have muscles! Pectorals!’
‘So do you.’
‘I have baby fat!’
To prove his point Yugi grabbed his side and pulled out his skin showing the perceived rolls of fat underneath it.
He looked triumphantly back at Yami, but any words he was about to say were lost on his lips when he saw Yami’s expression.
His Other Self’s eyes had gone wide, almost as wide as Yugi’s, and his skin had gone pale except for a slight blush around his cheeks.
‘Yami?’ asked Yugi, ‘are you OK?’
Yami nodded quickly, ‘Yes but I… I can feel it! I can feel you pinching yourself!’
‘So? You just said we share the same body.’
‘Yes but… but I’m not in control of it at the moment. So theoretically I shouldn’t feel these sensations but… right now… I can. It must be because I am partly projected into this world.’
‘Oh,’ said Yugi numbly, looking down at where his fingers still held his hands. ‘What’s it like?’
‘Odd but… good.’
Yugi frowned, ‘Haven’t you felt anything like this before? I mean, you’ve been in control of my body loads of times.’
‘Yes but… well… there have been other concerns. And I wouldn’t do anything that would trespass on your… property. I had forgotten that sensation could be so… sensational.’
‘So you’ve never… I mean… when you said you’ve seen me naked…’
‘I have given your body a shower once or twice, or undressed it for bed. I have never-‘ the Pharaoh suddenly stopped, and Yugi was treated to a most unusual sight.
He brought a hand up to his mouth as he gazed at Yugi with an expression that could only be described as utter mortification.
‘Oh…’ he murmured after a second. ‘When I disturbed you, you were… I… Oh! I’d forgotten that… I… Aibou I’m so sorry!’
It took a moment for Yugi to understand what Yami was talking about, and when he did he felt a blush of embarrassment rise to his cheeks also. He quickly turned away from the stuttering pharaoh and said, ‘It’s Ok. You weren’t to know. It’s alright,’ he finished with a grin he hoped would put Yami to ease. It didn’t seem to work as his Other Self just looked away and stared down at his knees.
For a moment the two of them just sat there in silence, trying to recover from their shared mortification. Eventually, Yami spoke.
‘Yugi… would… that is to say… erm….’ For the first time since Yugi had known the Pharaoh, he honestly sounded at a loss for words.
‘Yes Other Me?’
‘Ah…’ Yami swallowed, and when he spoke it came out in a bit of a rush. ‘Could you continue what you were doing before?’
Yugi blinked. ‘What?’
‘It’s just I’ve never… I can’t remember what it was like and… I would like to know.’
Yugi didn’t so much as do a double take, but a triple take.
‘You want me to… with you here?’
‘Yes. Of course if you don’t want to… I mean… I don’t mean to make you feel uncomfortable so if you would consider it-‘
‘Excuse me?’
‘Sure,’ repeated Yugi. ‘I mean, it’s not as if it’s someone else. You are me after all and, now, this is your body too. And I know you’ll never do anything like this without my permission so… really… unless I do this now you’ll never know what it’s like. This isn’t such a big thing.’
‘I… thank you, Yugi.’
Yugi smiled, trying to keep the tremor from out of his voice as he said, ‘Right… well…shall I… now?’
‘Very well.’
‘OK… erm… do you want me to…?
‘Any way you’d like. It’s your body.’
‘Yeah… yeah well… ah… ok.’
Yugi took a deep breath and closed his eyes, not quite believing he was doing this, but feeling good. This was something new, he thought as he closed his eyes and began to work on his belt. This was something only he could give, something Yami couldn’t do. It was almost… owed. Yami had done so many wonderful things, taken him so many amazing places it was good to give something back. To be useful.
He took himself in hand and, closing his eyes, tried to think of something good. Anzu. Anzu in that waitress dress… the little yellow ties that were round her shoulder, her short skirt riding up her legs. The way her top just dropped and the ribbon perfectly accentuated her…
His breathing began to quicken, he began to harden in his own hand. He wondered, abstractly, whether Yami’s were the same shape and size as his. No… they’d probably be bigger but… what was that sound? A small choked gasp? Him? No… deeper… Yami’s. Yami was feeling this. Oh god.
Anzu… Anzu in that swimming costume. The little scraps of clothing hardly hiding anything, the water trickling down her smooth skin, her hands tickling, warm around his shoulders as…
Yami’s breathing was quickening, he was letting out soft little gasps, small strangled noises. Almost sounded like him except the pitch… oh Yami really did have a deeper voice, moving in tangent with his own, and he was going faster, blood trembling in his ears, the going made quicker now, wetter…
Wet like Anzu on the water-slide in that theme park, soft and fast like the shoot they had tumbled down, him before her so that, when they fell to the bottom he was between her thighs, soft and subtle, warm… damp and…
‘Please… please… please…’ the chant was Yami’s, still deep but slightly higher now, He sounded almost desperate, he never sounded desperate but this… this was new to him. And… and everything was getting faster, he was moving to his own rhythm, the bed squeaking slightly, the air warm, his face flushed with something other than embarrassment, and not too flushed because most of his blood was somewhere else. Somewhere much better and hotter and oh his stomach was tightening his muscles straining nearly there nearly there nearly there think of Anzu sweet and Anzu bending down Anzu saying his name soft-sweet-whisper-chocked-gasp not him, too loud, bite down on his own lip to stay quiet so not him, not him not-him Not-Him crying out lowly, can’t be loud, bite own lip to stay silent but not-him-not-him could scream and cry because no one heard him, oh god oh god oh god, just , just him just him just him and oh god not him so loud-so-loud-so-good-so-good-so-oh very, very, very gooooood!
‘Gwahhh!!! Ah! Ah! Aibou! Ah! Ah… uhhh…’
Yugi came with a soft, choked squeak, his mind echoing with his other-self’s yells elation, the world tightening around that one cry, his lip becoming wet with blood as he bit through it with his teeth, his hand becoming wet with something else.
He sat there, panting for a while, resisting the urge just to fall back onto his bed. When he finally opened his eyes it was with the uncomfortable feeling of the wetness lingering around his hand and the strange let-down that often comes after orgasm, as if the feeling should have lingered longer. As if the world should have changed in some fundamental way.
Then the reality of his situation came back to him and he turned to Yami.
The Pharoah’s looked at him, his face a little flushed, his eyes slightly narrower than usual, a soft, lazy smile… a smile, not a smirk, curling round his blushed features. He looked entirely, utterly and completely content.
‘You ok?’ asked Yugi at last.
‘I’m good,’ was the purred reply, the Pharoah leaning back against the bed. He didn’t have to worry about getting stains on the duvet.
‘Good,’ said Yugi. ‘I’m… er… glad I could help.’ For a moment he thought about the sounds Yami had made… the way he had called out to him during the climax but… well… they did share the same body and this was his first time. It was probably shock… or surprise or… or…
‘I’d better… better get dressed,’ said Yugi at last, and he bent over to retrieve his shirt and trousers from where they lay slumped about his legs.
Yugi leant upwards, turning to see the Pharaoh, his face suddenly inches away from his own, his eyes still dark with pleasure.
‘Aibou,’ he said again, so close that Yugi could have sworn that he felt his breath upon his face and cut lip, ‘your… our… body is just fine. It’s perfect.’
‘If you say so,’ chuckled Yugi, more than a little amused at seeing the usually pretty tense Yami so sedate. ‘I’m going for a shower.’
‘Mind if I join you?’ purred Yami.
Yugi grinned, not at all ruefully this time. ‘Do I have a choice?’

(1) Perhaps because, deep down, Yugi had the horrible suspicion that his Grandfather might start giving him tips.

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