Continuing from Last Post: (No Second Chances!)

Apr 29, 2007 12:16

This contains major spoilers for Evolution of the Daleks, don't click unless you've seen the ep.

I think I've realized what one of the things that really bothered me in this ep was. It was the final scene with the Khan Dalek.

As I've mentioned before, one of the basic personality traits of the Tenth Doctor is a feeling of Rightiousness, of that famous line, 'No Second Chances.' It's a great and interesting character point and one this ep seems to have completely ignored.

He offered Khan a way to live, offerered him mercy.

Now if this had been another alien speicies... the Cybermen, the Slitheen, whatever I'd have said... yeah. Sure. That makes sense. Groovy.

But the Daleks? The DALEKS?

I'm sorry but let's look at the reasons why this makes no sense for the Doctor.

1: No second chances. This Dalek is on fifteenth hundredth chance now.
2: This is a Dalek. A DALEK!!! You know, big pepper pot that happily destroyed the entire Time Lord Race and played a part in stealing Rose away from you. The race you've admitted to hating a number of times. A. Dalek.
3: And looking at the previous behavior of said Dalek do you think that, if you dropped it off on some random planet it Wouldn't make itself a little army and try to take over the universe AGAIN? I mean, yeah, I know it's only one Dalek, but still...
4: So... no genicide huh? Kindly go remind the Racnoss Emperess of that. You know, the mother of the CHILDREN YOU BURNED AND DROWNED!!!
5: Hold on, didn't Solomon try this trick? Remember him? Tall guy? Black? Got blased to bits for offering the hand of peace?
6: And, obviously, your repeated speaches of, 'The Daleks are teh Evil and cannot be reasond with!' apply to EVERYONE but you.
7: And while we're at it, yeah, you've seen one genicide this day, and sure, you don't want to see another. That's not a bad reason except that as you KNOW that the other two Dalek's were dead when the Hybreeds died then surely that means that Khan WAS THE ONE TO COMMIT THAT GENOICIDE!!!!

If Martha had given some sort of persausive speech to stop him, a'la Rose, then sure, I MIGHT have bought it. But the Doctor giving his ULTIMATE enemy a second chance... or at least a second chance in this condition... well it was very cool, and very unexpected, and it made absolutely NO sense what so ever.

I love good character moments but those moments have to, you know, make sense for the character! This MIGHT have been something Nine would do, with massive emphisis on Might. But Ten? TEN? No. Effing. Way.

musings, dr who

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