
Mar 19, 2007 22:17

I've wanted to do this for a while. Nicked from obabscribbler.

Writer's Meme: Sometimes it's ok to pimp yourself out. Post a list of your top 5-10 favorite fics you've written, regardless of fandom or the reason you love them. This isn't about the BEST things you've written, but what you LOVE most. 1: Being Normal: Read more... )

meme, fanfic, rec

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Comments 13

trek_chick March 21 2007, 23:49:46 UTC

I still have not read the sequal to How far is Eden. I know I know, I'll get to it. HOWEVER...

I did read Love and Reproduction. You are the reason I dont write. Because I could NEVER accomplish the sort of sould twisting emotion that you do. I'm now thoroughly depressed, angry, sad, unsettled, and troubled after reading that. Not at all because of the subject matter or construction of the story, but because of the emotion that the story envokes. I could never do that. I am not into slash or incest at all, but from Knives it was almost understandable. I must say, that for Wolfwood's sake, hearing Knives say that he would be proud of his son for killing the animal broke my poor heart. In all honesty I felt as if he had died again.

For my own sanity...what happens next? Even if you dont ever plan on writing it, as the story teller, what do YOU think happened next? To Millie and to Vash?


yma2 March 22 2007, 01:40:09 UTC
Although it sounds wrong I am actually glad you felt all those emotions. It was what I was aiming for and what you should have felt ( ... )


trek_chick March 22 2007, 05:18:28 UTC
Yes, i did enjoy it! Everything I said was in sincere compliment. You're right about Knives, I dont see him in any pairing at all. If I were in to slash, MAYBE Legato. Maybe. But other than that I think Vash is the only person he ever cared for ( ... )


yma2 March 22 2007, 18:30:21 UTC
Heh, I do have an idea for the Alex and Alexandria meetign again. But it would involve OC's and I don't think my writing would be up to it. I'm always very leery when it comes to writing OCs. Don't get me wrong, if you need an OC then you need an OC, but the purpose of fanfic, IMO, is to write about the characters in question. OC's often (though not always!) detract from the main characters, or even take over entirely. And as this would almost certainly be the case with Alex and Alexandria....

I'll think on the Milly and Wolfwood thing... I might have a couple but I'm not sure.

I may get back to you on that.


trek_chick March 22 2007, 17:19:25 UTC
Alright, just finished "The more things change". My innitial reaction? Confused, then I re-read it and it went away. :) I didnt connect a couple of dots that were staring me in the face lol! My blonde fault not yours ( ... )


yma2 March 22 2007, 18:17:53 UTC
Firstly thanks for reading and the review. Secondly thanks for the HONEST review. This is going to sound odd, but I'm glad you said that there were things you don't like about this, because it makes me value your praise more, if that makes sense ( ... )


trek_chick March 22 2007, 18:47:39 UTC
I understood that it wasnt about the bug, I guess my problem was more of Vash's reaction to its being killed. The literal reaction of his eyes glowing and face twisted in rage. We only saw him in that state once in the anime (I think) and it was when he saw the deaths of people. In my honest opinion, if he didnt react with such vehemance (spe?) when Wolfwood killed Zazi, a person, then his reaction over a scorpion seemed kind of out of place. Pissed yes, like he was pissed with his brother killing the spider, but (again only in my opinion) not with the amount of rage that I gathered from your description. I caught the metephor, just wasnt sure about the implimentation.

I'm glad you liked the honesty, I'm not used to giving true honest criticism. I dont like making people upset or brusinf egos. I'm working on it, the criticsm part. :) I'm very passive and hate confrontation, but I've come to realise that true artists enjoy honesty. And you always seemed to appreciate feedback. :)


trek_chick March 28 2007, 05:14:53 UTC
Hey did I ever tell you that ever since reading how Far Is Eden I cant listen to the song Unwritten by Natasha Bettingfield and NOT think its perfect for like an end credit to that story. Its totally Knives song now. You made me love that character!


yma2 March 28 2007, 17:27:30 UTC
I am so glad! :D
That's what I aimed to do! And yeah, the song does kinda fit. I love it! Though I must admit, I don't have 'Knives' song myself... a few of the other characters, yeah. But not Knives...


trek_chick March 28 2007, 21:50:38 UTC
Curios...what are your songs for the other chars? I'm thinking of creating a whole damned Wolfwood CD. Then again he's an obsession so a LOT of songs fit. LoL :)

Its always great when your writing can actually change someone's mind for the better. Its a warm fuzzy thing. :)


yma2 March 29 2007, 17:24:50 UTC
My songs for other characters? I've not got many really, but my main ones are...

Gin Soaked Boy by The Devine Comedy.
(This is my Vash song. It's bouncy and fun and gives all his sides. It just is so... him!

The Noose by A Perfect Circle
I challenge anyone to listen to this and not, in some way or other, think of Legato and Vash's last song. This, if it's any characters song, is Legato's ode to Vash. Just listen to the lyrics...

After the Gold Rush by KD Lang
Just reminds me of the Seeds expeidtion, that's all.

Happy Child by Tweaker
Good luck on finding this song! I got it via a Trigun AMV and it remains one of my favorite AMV's ever. It's just... wow. So Vash. So horribly, angsty, dreadfully Vash.

Hallelujia by Lenard Choen or Jeff Buckely: The ultimate Wolfwood song. Highly recommended.


Woke Up This Morning by Alabama 7. An odd choice, and not neccesaraly one you'll agree with, but for some reason it really reminds me of Wolfwood. Go figer.

Got a few others too, but those are my main ones.


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