
Mar 19, 2007 22:17

I've wanted to do this for a while. Nicked from obabscribbler.

Writer's Meme: Sometimes it's ok to pimp yourself out. Post a list of your top 5-10 favorite fics you've written, regardless of fandom or the reason you love them. This isn't about the BEST things you've written, but what you LOVE most.

1: Being Normal:
Fandom: X-men Evolution
Because it was the first multi-chapter fic I ever wrote, the first that grabbed me by the throat and MADE me write it and the first thing I ever put up on FFN. Looking back on it now it's clunky and melodramatic as all hell, but what the heck! It has a place in my heart...

2: How Far Is Eden?:
Fandom: Trigun
Because it's a fic I would never have thought would work, because it turned into a horrendously long character piece and, though self indulgiant, was great fun to write. Because it turned out so very, very, VERY well.

3: Eden's Children:
Fandom: Trigun
I actually prefer this to it's predecessor. In all my fics I try to do one of three things... provide a good plot, explore interesting issues or explore characters. In this I managed all three. It's possibly one of my favorite fics ever, actually, because I had such wonderful fun writing it! It made me fall in love even with the characters I'd never cared for much before, like Meryl and Millie and it's the longest thing I've ever written. For all the above it makes it one of my personal favorite fics ever.

4: Thoughts in Freefall:
Fandom: Last Exile
Sometimes I plan fics out for weeks or even months ahead of time (Like the two above,) sometimes they just flow out of my hands. This is one of the latter cases. I wrote this two or three hours after seeing the end of Last Exile... late at night... whilst vaugly feverish. By all rights it should have been utter pap but... you know... it realy works! I tried to write another LE fic after this, but if flopped. I think I said everything about Dio and Lucciola I ever needed to in this fic. It really works on a lot of levels and I am immencely pleased with it.

5: For Every Thing There Is A Season:
Fandom: Saiyuki
I just like the imagry of this. Like the Eden series it was very structured and planned, but I think I did well. I don't often enter the Saiyuki fandom, and I don't think it's a place I'd like to stay in, but writing this was fun and interesting. I think I got the mood of it right and... yeah. This had a nice atmosphere to it. I enjoyed writing it.

6: Body Image:
Fandom: Yu-Gi-Oh
I thought It would be good to put a Yu-Gi-Oh fic up here, and whilst I don't think this is the best thing I've written, (that would go to Written Evidence or perhaps Quaranteen, both of which I'm very chuffed with also,) this is a favorite. Because it was the first real Yu-Gi-Oh fic I wrote, and also the first (and only) smuttish thing I've ever written. I doubt I'll write much more, to be honest, but it was nice to do it just the once. Liberating, even.

7: Love and Reproduction:
Fandom: Trigun
Some Plot-Bunnies snuffle up to you cautiosly. They let you pet them and stroke them and calm them before letting you take them into your arms and hug them tight, enjoying that plotty warmth.
Some Plot-Bunnies are bolder. They follow you round, gazing at your mornfully until you just HAVE to pick them up.
Some sit in corners looking mopey, guilting you into attending to them.
Then there are those dark, grim little rabits that just pounce at you, sink their rotting teath into your leg and grip on in a way that makes you KNOW that, not matter how ugly they may look, you're just going to HAVE to write them.
Guess what variety this story came from?
This is the darkest thing I have ever written, but it is also probably the best. It manages to work. I don't know how it works, but it does. It's not a pleasent fic, it's not one I'd recommend to anyone in a way, but it is a GOOD story. It's one that needed to be told. If anyone here has read and enjoyed How Far is Eden and Eden's Children, read this because it's the dark side the coin.

8: The More Things Change:
Fandom: Trigun
My first ever forey into slash fiction, not that this is terribly slashy. I just liked the way it worked out. It has a nice level of interaction and subtext in it. Hell, there's almost a sex scene in subtext here, which I think is pertty cool. Yeah, I liked this fic, it did just what I wanted it to do.

9: Dangerous Creatures:
Fandom: Harry Potter
Why do I like this? It worked well. No other reason really... Looking back on it I find it suffers from the 'Push the Moral' problem a lot of my fics have, but it's an imperfect universe. I felt as if I should have at least on HP fic here anyway...

10: Thine Own Self:
Fandom: Farscape
Because insanity = fun.
I felt like I should slip this into the list. Partly because it's a farscape story, partly because I just... well... I like it. Is there any more to be said? I love Stark and I had LOTS of fun writing this. I love character torture, I love character growth, this has both and it works as well as I ever could want it to.

meme, fanfic, rec

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