Do you know what I need?
I need a soundtrack.
A soundtrack to Yu-Gi-Oh.
And I want you people to help me out with it!
Basically, I'd like you guys to rec me some music for Yu-Gi-Oh. I'm looking for almost anything, though ideally it should a) be available on YouTube, so I can listen to it first before finding out if I want it. b) ideally, it shouldn't be pairing-related. I don't mind a bit of that, if you think it really fits teh characters well, fine, but I'm looking more for songs that work for, say, Anzu on her own rather than Anzu/Seto or something.
Here's my Play List so far...
Snow Patrol: Run.
Possibly the ULTIMATE Yu-Gi-Oh Song, in my opinion. This song can practically be applied to ANY of the gang but for me it's truly the sound-track to the Ceremonial Duel as we say good-bye to Yami.
To think I might not see those eyes
Makes it so hard not to cry
And as we say our long goodbyes,
I nearly do.
Light up! Light Up!
As if you have a choice
Even if you can not hear my voice
I'll be right besides you dear.
Massive Attack: I against I
Not a great Yu-Gi-Oh song but it does kind of work on some level. It's more or less a dueling, heavy combat song. It reminds me a little of Kiaba, in fact.
I, I against I
flesh of my flesh
And mind of my mind
two of a kind
but one won't survive
my images is reflect in my enemies eye
and his images is reflect in mine the same time.
Heather Dale: Mordred's Lullabye
My Bakura song, though it probably works for Marik too. There's a great AMV to this I recced in a prior entry and, since then, I've fallen in love with this tune.
Guiless Son
I'll shape your belief
and you'll always know that you're father's a theif
and you won't understand the cause of your grief
but you'll always follow the voices beneath.
Gary Jules: Mad World
My Ryou song, it has that sense of meloncholy and despair I've come to (rightly or wrongly) associate with him. Pluss it's just a gorgious tune.
Children waiting for the day they feel good
Happy birthday, happy birthday.
I feel the way that every child should
sit and listen, sit and listen.
Went to school and I was very nervous
No one knew me, no one knew me.
Hello teacher tell me what's my lesson?
Look right through me. Look right through me.
And I find it kinda funny
I find it kinda sad.
The dreams in which I'm dying
are the best i've ever had.
A Perfect Circle: Passive
Like I against I, this can be used in a few examples but, for me, it works best for Seto Kaiba. It's a really dramatic song and has a sense of anger and challenge about it which, for me, fits Kaiba-boy perfectly.
Cold and catatoinic
I catch a brief reflection
of what you could and might have been
it's your right and your ability
to become my perfect enemy
Jeff Buckely: Dream Brother
A beautifully haunting tune I like to use for both Yami Yugi and Yami Bakura. There's soemthing earily spooky about it. But it works best, IMO, as a sort of Yugi/Anzu/Yami song. I'm not sure why, it just has such an... eery feel about it.
There's a child sleeping in his tent
the picture goes white in a rush of wind
that dark angel he is shuffling in
watching over them with his black featherered wings unfurled
The Postal Service: Iron and Wine
This is an acoustic vertion of At Such Great Hights and it's just gorgeious. It's my ultimate Yugi/Yami song, it as such tenderness in it and... er... yeah. I hear this playing in the background when I read a lot of LeDiz's stuff...
I am thinking it's a sign
That the freckles in our eyes
are mirror images and when we
kiss they're perfectly aligned
and I have to speculate that god himself did
make us into corispoinding shapes
like puzzle pieces from the clay.
Dash Board Confessional: Vindicated.
This IS Yami's song. In every single way, I can hear his voice in this. His relations to Yugi, his attitude, it's perfect. Scribbler pointed me in the direction of this and I love it! Be sure to check it out.
I am vindicated!
I am selfish!
I am wrong!
I am right!
I swear I'm right!
Swear I knew it all along!
And I am flawed!
But I am cleaning up so well!
I am seeing in me now
the things you swore you saw yourself!
I've also got Requiem for a Dream on there too, but that's just a generic writing tune for me.
So yeah, rec away! And check out these songs. They're made of teh awsome!