VIVA青春 胸を張れ

Apr 19, 2014 04:07

creepyJun 83♥

Aiba, looking like a puppy. Those eyes. 83

So, they're supposed to be holding an imaginary baseball bat here. Maybe except for Aiba. XD

Start of the pose. Doing perfectly.

Still fine.

Still nothing wrong so far.

Aiba, you couldn't be holding a bat with your hands like that!
Unless... the bat had flown out of his hands! XD/

And, the final pose.

The choreo and the baseball element in it is so cute. Can't wait to see the full PV!
But before that... Can't wait for tomorrow's YowaKate! X3

All of a sudden, there are so many baseball-related things coming my way lol.


Something made me took this screenshot. Must be the eyes. Again. 83

"So what do you think of this person?"

(Which reminds me, I've never tried finding out why they had to dress up like this. I should. If there's even a reason for it.)

I'd forgotten about the existence of the Film Festa 2013, but they had to show these clips now orz.

I don't know, but this combination makes me feel so asdfhgjkl

(and, to add to the complication, I still have my lingering Dojo feels XD♥)

I want the full video even if it's just of this performance.

(But, really, I'd love the full videos of all the crosstalks if it isn't asking too much.)

The way Ryo said "Aren't there times, ooonce in a while, when you sing inside your dream?" and the way Nagase and Kura laughed so hard after hearing that... I can't stop repeating this bit XDDD

Sho with the NazoDi movie premier period hairstyle? Me likey X3

What's with the spread in front of this group? XD/

random scap spam just because

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