
Apr 11, 2010 11:33


what is there to care about....not that i can bring about a drastic change...sometimes i think u are just too idealistic...thinking that everything is still possible to change for the ideal situation...でも、真実は残酷です。 its hard to accept the truth at times, but sadly that's the truth for you to bear...

in fact i still believe in change...and i do mean a revolutionary change that will shake the very fundamental of society, affecting everyone's public and private spheres....mark my words:

the only possible change now is to fundamentally challenge the very nature of the current overriding paradigm. to bring about a real change requires sacrifice. its whether you are willing to do it, not whether people will follow you or not. and the ultimate sacrifice is death - if your death is able to change someone's outlook of life, you have succeeded. for it will then be upon his/her duty to carry on the legacy.

i think i am becoming too extreme...but thankfully i am still not ready to pursue a real change...lolx...i am more than willing to stay as a follower and see through things as they are...so long as i am not fundamentally challenged in any ways, i will not YET resort to such extreme measures...no guarantee...its still open to interpretations...

it is the suffocating paradigm that we are all in...connecting everyone such that we cannot afford to lose out or lose each other...be it in the private level or on the international level, this is how things have become....change this kind of paradigm and you will then be able to change things...are we willing to change those in power? we need to make sacrifices - that means to give up our comforts in life, undergo periods of hardships...are we willing to go through that for change? most probably not, that's why those who are in power are still in power....unless we shortchange ourselves will we then see a glimpse of possible change...

another way is that of joining the system...just fit into the paradigm...that seems easier...but its just the rebellious nature of me to stay out of it all...i remember saying this to my friend: i understand the system, but i will not partake in the system. i chose to operate outside of the system, or best, leave the system once and for all...actually, what i had in mind is the latter alternative....

yes, i am a quitter...that statement is evidence of the success of the extent of penetration of the state's lingo in my thinking..lolx...what an irony that i keep using the same term again and again...so? its BY CHOICE that i decided not to be...since being one is a matter of one's personal choice....and i have made my choice....


disillusioned, apathetic, life, choice

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