
Oct 23, 2022 21:03

(update caa 24 oct: 10 guys in 9 days, 3 of whom had sex with😘)

Met at ueno and it was my first time checking into a love hotel…it was pretty clean and decent, in fact, very spacious.
Not wasting much time, we got into action and oh my, i have to say how much i love kissing…lol
What was so unforgettable was that for over an hour he continued to ram my ass and not forgetting to exchange deep french kisses at the same time…that totally was steaming hot…literally…as he moved his waist, beads of sweat rolled down his cheeks, to the edges of his chin before finally falling onto my sticked out tongue…fuck, just the thought is turning me on now…lol

and so he kept thrusting his tool in me and tingling my lower half to arouse me…it felt so good that many times i thought something is gonna come out but no…he then released his first shot, and while his was still hard, he inserted it again


and he just went on thrusting his tool in me, and it wasn’t too long before he came a second time. Yup, just within 5 min.
This was indeed the most memorable sex i ever had so far…lol

And of course not all experiences were good, it was also the first time that i totally felt nothing while one’s dick was in me and then it ended with him saying, “i think this is not gonna work.” And he pulled out his tool and went to wash up..
Haha..well, it isn’t the first time that i do not get aroused but this is the first time that my partner left halfway, and unsatisfied…lol…but to be honest, i am to be blame. Though his dick was one of the smallest i had experienced so far…lol…(p.s. he is Korean, btw)

And the last guy i met, yup, the same guy whom i kinda fell head over heels for…haha, and during the all-nighter karaoke session, it was the first time in years that i became drunk..haha. it sure was not well to wake up the next day with headaches and to feel uncomfortable…but it was also the first time i attempted to top and also using a vibrator on another person…haha…it sure was quite an experience that i will not forget in years to come…

as a follow up to the previous entry, my feelings for him has indeed turned mild. Indeed it was mainly lust. While i think in many ways i might have made my feelings clear to him in various subtle ways (i.e., 「会いたかった」とか「君に会うために入念に準備してきた」 今振り返ると恥ずかしい言葉よく口にしたなーw), i think i know his response. Well, i can live with that. Haha, I shan’t expect anything more as the status quo is the best i can ever ask for. Yup. To meet once every few weeks is fine. Yup, that i need to accept and come to terms with. Yes, i am fine and will be so, with respect to this relationship, i kinda had some form of closure.

it is monday today, and i am gonna meet someone later in the evening for dinner. haha...まさか三十半ばにモテキが来るなんてぜんぜん夢でも思ってなかったわwでもさ、三十路だからこそ、いろんな意味で心も体も疲れてて、もっと早く遊ぶべきだったと思った。けどいろんな出会いがあったから、全然文句なし、ありがたい気持ちいっぱいします。


friends, fwb

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