
Apr 11, 2011 15:11


came online and saw this update on facebook: "1 month later, you start to realise who are the ones who truly care and those who just wanted to be a part of it. Sad but true."

simple but deep...and the underlying message struck me hard...


my initial craze over things japanese may seem childish and immature since it is always the glamorous and the interesting appeal of the culture and sub-culture that first caught my attention...however, as i began to immerse myself into the whole experience, i really became more affectionate towards it...sounds kinda cheesy but i really feel for it...

some pple think that i am acting too japanese even before i left for japan...and it seemed that it became worse since i returned...haha...but to me it just happens that i am able to relate to it more than any other culture or pples...seriously, if u make the argument that one's identity is a matter of choice, then i choose to take on the japanese way...simple as that.

certain arguments about the 日本人論・日本文化論 may claim that it is in the genes, flows within the blood..however, i would simply interpret it as the expected outcome of the system...yes, it is the system that has successfully constructed a society that has been endowned with certain unique factors including the geographical isolation as an archipelago and the historical experience of being the first non-western soceity to encounter western modernity and successfully manage the crisis thereafter...i would not deny the personal bias i have towards her but no one can deny the personal conviction i have towards the whole society...日本が大好きだ!

experience moulds the person

i have never believed in submitting to any system but unfortunately reality is in stark contrast to my values...somehow or rather one can never ever deny the influence of the system...みんな何とかもう関わった。 to support or to rebel or maybe to just remain passive but still remain a part of the system?

in the past i sought to find a path that would exclude me from the system altogther but its an impossible task. i hate the system. but i dare not rebel against it. i myself have submitted into the system as well. signing on the line was my ultimate betrayal of my personal integrity and values. that's how i came to the conclusion that i have no morals to follow. its all fluid.

i want to rebel..したいって行動より口からほうが簡単でしょう。 lolx...but there is simply too much at stake. revolutionaries are those who left behind all that they have, disowned all relations that would complicate matters and led a lonely yet fulfilling life. in this hyped-up post-modernist (whatever that means...) society, such actions are reserved for the psychologically unsound...僕よくそういう言われても構わないだ。 haha. yup i have often been thought to be crazy or just out of mind...yet i am stil stuck from within.

man is born free yet everywhere he is in chains. ~Rosseau

not trying to be philosophical but i just wanna pen down my thoughts as i know that in time to come, if possible, i want to seek change. not an extraordinary feat as to influence lives and stuff...just my personal experience. i wanna change to suit myself.

morals, life, system

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