
signal boost: don't let LJ comms die

Mar 09, 2022 11:12

Trop Rosbif, 'Vais Pas Lire : en regard du risque de voir LJ disparaître comme dommage collatéral, et des difficultés que ça peut représenter de tout faire soi-même surtout quand les outils sont saturés, 10littlebullets vous propose de se charger de l'archivage de nos anciennes communautés pour la sauvegarde de l'histoire du fandom
N'hésitez pas à reposter et faire circuler cette info là où d'anciennes modératrices ont migré et pourront la voir, des fois que ça les intéresse ?


If you modded LiveJournal communities back in the day, please consider archiving them to Dreamwidth NOW. So much 2000s internet history lives there, and if LJ falls off the internet (as it very well might, depending on how things go in Russia in the near future), links will break and vast amounts of it will be lost. Wayback Machine only captures public posts; a Dreamwidth import can pull in locked posts and comments, and allow people to view them by joining the comm.

If you don't want to go to the hassle yourself, I will happily do it for you - just DM [DW]tenlittlebullets on DW and temporarily add 10littlebullets on LJ as a community mod. I can do it under this account, a catchall archivist account, or a specific one created just for the comm. If you want the Dreamwidth version to be co-maintained or transferred to your DW account, I can also do that.

If Dreamwidth's importer locks up, as it might if there's an archiving stampede, this Tumblr post (+reblogged mirror just in case) has instructions for exporting comments in XML format. LJ still has a built-in page that lets you do the same for posts. Dreamwidth won't let you import from these XML files, but they're still human-readable and can probably be imported to Wordpress if you want to host an archive later.

(Pre-emptive permission: Feel free to link, copy, repost, and spread this post wherever you want. Also feel free to translate it into any language you want. I would be both gratified and extremely relieved if any Russian speakers want to spread it around to people who were active on ЖЖ back in the day and are in a position to safely back up their old content; the offer to help with importing is still open, even if we have to communicate through Google Translate!)

Addendum: et pour ce qui est d'importer votre journal personnel Vérifiez Votre Mot De Passe LJ Avant !! c'est ce qui a tendance à mettre LJ de mauvaise humeur et coincer l'outil.
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