
[meme] fandom highlights for 2021

Jan 04, 2022 01:17

Said in the general-end-of-year meme I would, that I lacked fandomy stuff too much, but if I want to come back I have to try;

o1. Votre fandom de l'année / Your main fandom of the year?
None. I was dead to fandom.

o2. Votre film préféré vu cette année / Your favourite film watched this year?
Wolfwalkers hands down but I was lucky to see many very good movies!

o3. Votre livre préféré lu cette année / Your favourite book read this year?
Toss-up between Six of Crows & Crooked Kingdom and the whole of La Passe-miroir.

o4. Votre album/chanson préféré écouté cette année / Your favourite album or song to listen to this year?
I stopped listening casually to music during the first lockdown in early 2020 when I realized how much of my laptop's battery it was eating, and with not doing NaNoWriMo twice in a row I stopped needing motivational writing music... but finally!!: "vers la lumière" by Pomme, soundtrack to Princesse Dragon ♥

o5. Votre série télé préférée vue cette année / Your favourite TV show of the year?
Star Trek TNG (I'm currently mid-season 4)

o6. Votre communauté DW préférée de l'année / Your favourite DW community of the year?
I'll go with
fandom_secrets this time.

o7. Votre webcomic préférée de l'année / Your favourite webcomics of the year?
Probably still Gunnerkrigg Court.

o8. Votre BD préférée de l’année / Your favourite comics of the year?
Bergères Guerrières!

o9. Votre découverte de l'année en fandom / Your best new fandom discovery of the year?
Q Force.

1o. Votre plus grosse déception de l'année en fandom / Your biggest fandom disappointment of the year?
Fuck I did nothing.

Your fandom boyfriend of the year?
Your fandom girlfriend of the year?

11. Votre grand moment de squee de l'année / Your biggest squee moment of the year?
Animation Night was back and I discovered yet another movie festival!

12. Le vieux fandom qui vous manque le plus / The most missed of your old fandoms?
Ah shit I'll got with LastMan, that how far I've fallen.

13. Le fandom que vous n'avez pas encore essayé, mais vous en avez l'intention / The fandom you haven't tried yet, but want to?
Oh I have impossibly long to-read and to-watch lists but no real priority. I should catch up with whatever I have already started before tring anything else new.

14. Vos plus grandes espérances de fan pour la nouvelle année / Your biggest fan anticipations for the coming year?
I just want to participate again. commentaires : sur DW | comment utiliser OpenID

écriture, meme, fannitude

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