
a better, more positive Strikethrough 2.0

Dec 04, 2018 18:29

I never liked Tumblr. It just never worked for me. I'm not a fan of reblogging, and having a conversation there is so complicated, shared tags should be good but in reality are a mess... I deeply resented it when LJ went to hell and migrated over there instead of DW where the system was basically the same but still working, so I knew how to use it.
So I thought that its demise would bring great Schadenfreude. Nope. Instead, I'm angry. Really angry at how their CEO treats the userbaser and adress their problems the wrong way. I don't want to have to move over once again to yet another site!

I've heard of Pillowfort and the description makes it look nice, but I'm not a fan of having to pay a fee to subscribe before I can actually see how it works. 5 bucks aren't much, I mean, I chose to pay for my DW account when it's quite more expensive because I want to support the site (plus, you know, icons!!) but for other people, students, unemployed, struggling to make ends meet, it might be too much and I don't want to go "oh screw you all I'm taking my toys where you can't follow".
I'm afraid of Twitter and wary of Instagram. Are there other options? Where are people going now?

I just... I'm lost. I don't know what to do right now. And I'm so, so angry at Tumblr.

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