
image hosting woes

Nov 28, 2018 21:27

I don't know anymore what to do with my little bits of fanart. I don't like much the idea of uploading the same image multiple tims on different platforms, I'd rather chose one and then cross/hotlink to another.
At first I preferred to put them on DW but then Tumblr decided they didn't recognize the link when I tried the feature "upload image fro web", and it I used [img src] they won't display it at all because it's "external" or something.
So I tried doing it the other way, upload first on Tumblr then use the mage link on DW... but for two days now the links have broken down and the images won't display anymore.

What do I do?
Wait and see if the issue gets fixed?
Find another, third platform that will let me crosspost?

I have a Photobucket lying around somewhere, but I stopped using it when they deleted some scans I did of a comics a few years ago.
Does Deviant Art still work?
Is Imgur a viable/reliable option?

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