
hacked account?

Mar 16, 2017 22:11

I'm really worried; I just received a spam comment from a friend's account. It's the second time from the account on the same old post, and it manages to use their personal email.

First time, a couple of months ago, "it" responded to one of my comments, going
last meeting


I just wanted to tell you that since our last meeting there have appeared some questions, please answer them here [spam URL redacted]

[mail handle redacted]

Then I got another one, again a response to the same comment:
try this stuff

Content preview: Hi friend! I wanted to share with you my experience about using that cool stuff, just take a look [different spam URL, redacted too] Hope this helps, [same mail handle, redacted again] [...]

Did that happen to anyone else? What can we do, my friend whose account was pirated, and me as I don't want to block them?

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