
[meme] reading

Dec 08, 2008 20:00

'been tagged by several persons on my f-list last week:


1. What's your name?
I won't tell you here. Maybe another time.

2. Do you read a lot?
Yep! I try to.

3. What's your favorite genre?


4. Do you prefer fantasy or science fiction?

5. What's your favorite fantasy book/series?
Pratchett's Discworld.

6. Who's your favorite fantasy author?
Neil Gaiman.

7. What's your favorite science fiction book/series?
Does Brave New World count as science fiction?

8. Favorite sci-fi author?


9. Which do you prefer: a puzzling mystery, or a terrifying thriller?
Yikes, none! Sorry, pavlovian reflex: I had to read Le fauteuil hanté when I was 11, it traumatized me and I ended hating mysteries and thriller for years.
Now, I'd say I prefer thrillers. Terrifying thrillers.

10. Do you have a favorite mystery novel?
Affinity by Sarah Waters.

11. A favorite horror novel?
Hannibal by Thomas Harris.


12. Do you read romance novels?
Yes, but mostly, generic fiction with a side of romance.

13. How about gay romance novels?
Sure! For romance novels I'd even say I prefer gay to straight.

14. What's your favorite?
Fingersmith by Sarah Waters.


15. What's your favorite children's book?
Oh, Boy ! by Marie-Aude Murail.

16. Is it the same book that was your favorite when you were a kid?
No. Though I don't remember which was my favorite as a kid.

17. What's your favorite YA book?
Escalier C by Elvire Murail.

18. Did you actually read it as a YA?
I was already more of "adult" than "young" but yes.

19. In general, do you prefer children's books over grown-up books?


20. What's your favorite classic novel?
Les Misérables by Victor Hugo.

21. What about general fiction?
I like it.

22. What classic novel do you just *not* *get*?
I'm currently reading Tolstoy's War and Peace and as much as I like Nicolaï and Dolokhov, the "war" sequences bore me to death.

23. Do you have a favorite play or drama?
Not really.

24. What do you think of Shakespeare?
Not much right now, as I haven't read that much of him, but I plan to fix that eventually.


25. Could you pick a favorite poem?
La mort des amants, Charles Baudelaire.

26. What about a favorite poetry collection?
Les fleurs du mal, Charles Baudelaire.

27. Who's your favorite poet?
Vinod Rughoonundun


28. Do you read comics or graphic novels?

29. Do you have a favorite series?
Erm, no. A bit too many series to pick just one, I'm afraid.

30. A favorite book?
As in, graphic novel? I don't know.


31. Do you prefer short stories (or short novels) over full-length novels?

32. What's your favorite short story?
Locks from Neil Gaiman's Fragile Things.

33. Favorite short story collection?
Fragile Things, Neil Gaiman.

34. Do you have a favorite short story author?
Not really.


35. What kind of nonfiction do you usually read?
Blergh. Books and papers for my studies. Oh the joys of studying, say, the effects of endocrinal disruptors on Colembola ..?

36. Do you have a favorite nonfiction book?
Hum, no. Not that I can think of.

37. Read any interesting biographies?

38. History books?
No thank you. My brother's the historian, I'm not that interested.

39. Politics?
Urgh, no.

40. Religious texts?
I don't have enough time to read them myself, no.

41. How about books on mythology, fairy-tales, or other cultural stories?
"About" mythology etc? No thank you. Mythology and fairy tales collection, yes please, but no studies on them for me.


42. What's the most important element of a novel? Plot? Characterization? Style? Themes? Happy ending?
What makes me pick a book: themes and plot. What keeps me through the book: style, plot, characterization. Happy ending isn't important.

43. What kind of plot interests you the most?
I couldn't tell.

44. What kind of characters usually appeal to you?
Usually? Err. I'd say I tend to prefer teenagers and young adults to older characters, but that's not universally true. As for personalities, I couldn't tell, it varies too much.

45. What is your favorite book overall?
Good Omens, Neil Gaiman & Terry Pratchett.

+++PASS IT ON+++

46. What's the last book you read?
A Prayer for Owen Meany by John Irving.

47. What are you reading now?
Guerre et paix (Tolstoï), Johnny s'en va-t-en guerre (French version for Johnny got his gun, Dalton Trumbo)

48. What are you going to read next?
Classics (maybe Austen). Another Discworld novel.

49. Is there a book you would recommend to everyone on your friends list?
Good Omens (De bons présages pour la traduction française) if there are still people who haven't read it.but to everyone, no, recs should be more personal.

50. Tag five people to fill out this meme:
Don't want to. Take if you want.

meme, bouquins

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