awww baby

Sep 26, 2008 11:37

I was watching a seriously sad show this morning. I won't say which one in case anyone watches it and hasn't caught up on their dvr yet, plus it's not really important. Anywho - watching this sad show, and crying, like hysterical sobbing crying. Snot dripping, chest heaving, can't catch my breath - crying. I must have needed it. And I get really into movies and shows anyway. So I'm doing all of this and Cecelia was quite perplexed. She's seen me happy, she's seen my angry, but I have never cried in front of her. She started off just staring, then tried to laugh a very awkward laugh. She offered me some Cheerios and ran around being silly. And when all of that didn't work she climbed into my lap and held me. She gave me a big ol' hug, patted me on the back and said 'awww', while I cried. She stayed there with me until the end of the show. She even moved herself to just sit beside me, but she took a hold of my hand and held it in hers. I was simply amazed. She's just shy of a year and a half. Her ability to empathize and attempt to soothe astonished me. And come on, HOW CUTE IS THAT?!

Let's hope she's this nice to her little sister or brother.
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