Sep 24, 2008 11:15
My mom has come over the past two weekends to watch the baby for Hal and I. Two weeks ago she came over before the baby even got up because Hal and I were having a yard sale, and I had a work meeting to go to at 9am. Mom was there bright and early even though she and my dad had just gotten in from Atlantic City at like 4am or something ridiculous. Last weekend I asked if she could watch Cecelia for just 2 hours so Hal and I could stop in on Kevin's birthday party, she came a few hours early, told us to stay out a little late, and she did all of my dishes for me while she was at my house. Now, she tells me she wants to start helping me to get more sleep during the week. She wants to come over every Wednesday when she gets done work so that I can go to bed and get 6-7 hours of sleep. She already babysits my grandmom 2-3 days a week after work, and Shell, Erik and the kids live in her house so she already has two little ones that she worries about each day. And she wants to help ME?! Someone should be helping her! I told her she was silly for wanting to add any more to her schedule and if she had Wednesdays free she should do something for herself, even if it's getting the grocery shopping done. I think she wants to help because she feels like she is doing so much for Shell and her two babies, that she feels guilty for not helping me. But I'm not asking for help, and I don't need it right now - I do ask when I need it. I really tried to tell my mom that she needs to relax and worry about her own crazy household, but I got this email from her this morning:
"Hi Gina,
I will be over after work today, I should be there between 3:30 and 3:45.
If you and Cecelia are taking a nap, just leave the side door open and I
will let myself in. I will stay until Hal gets home, so you can just sleep
and not worry about Cece. There is no sense arguing with me, I want to do it, and I already went
shopping yesterday.
My mom is seriously the best.