30 Day Song Challenge Day 1 - Your Favorite Song

May 02, 2011 11:26

I'm writing this with the news of the death of bin Laden still ringing freshly in my ears. This seems sort of unimportant in the big picture, but I'm going to go ahead with it anyhow.

The 30 Day Song Challenge has been roaming around on Facebook for who knows how long, and I like the idea. It is a fun endeavor, particularly for me since I love music so very much (check out my Last.fm profile if you'd like to dig deep into my CD rack). I further believe that for me, this requires more than a YouTube video and a sentence to answer the questions. Because there is more than one answer for most of these questions.

With that in mind, buckle up and hang on tight Babies because here we go (pass me a beer, would you?)

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Favorite Song(s)

I can't do it. I just cannot name ONE favorite song. I can name 100 songs I love, 10 songs I dearly love, and quite possibly five songs that I couldn't stand it if I never heard them again. So, I'm going to be kind and share three of them with you.

Born to Run - Bruce Springsteen

I was 11 years old in the summer of 1975 when I first heard 'Born to Run' on my AM Radio. I liked a lot of records that I'd heard on that radio (usually tuned to WAAM, 1600 AM in Ann Arbor, MI) but this one made me sit up and take notice. There was something 'extra' about it. The idea of some girl putting her legs around his velvet rims sounded great, even if I had no fucking idea what it meant. There was something otherworldly about Springsteen's voice counting 'One, Two, Three, Four!" in that swirling mass of music, turning back in on itself at the climax, before it broke into the home stretch. That song was the very first song that made me play air guitar in my bedroom and as the years have passed it still begs to be turned up to full volume and I am both an 11 year old kid with his whole life ahead of him and a middle-aged man with a satchel full of regrets, missed chances and a great life resting by his side. It's one of the greatest songs ever written and means more to me now than it did then. Then, it opened my eyes. Now, it brings focus to them.

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Year of the Cat - Al Stewart

This song starts out simply, beautifully and continues to build.  It hints at a story that you never fully understand.  That's okay.  It's still a thing of beauty for all that.  One of my all time favorite songs.  It haunts me, and lulls me.

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The Way it Is - Nicole Atkins

Of a much more recent vintage, this song sold me on the talents of Nicole Atkins.  It's one part Roy Orbison, one part David Lynch, one part overwrought teen drama, and honest as hell.  It sweeps, swoops and wraps you in its embrace and doesn't want to let you go.

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Okay, that's it for today.  Come back tomorrow for my LEAST favorite song...and thanks for reading!

30 day music challenge, music

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