Apr 28, 2011 21:02
Yesterday, our Body Politic suffered a grand humiliation when President Barrack Obama took the podium in the White House to emphatically denounce the idiocy concerning his birth. It was humiliating to him, and it was humiliating to me as a Citizen of this country. I am offended, no...fuck that, I am livid that he felt compelled to do that. That there are 25% of the American Public who are so stupid to buy into the notion that Obama could be part of some grand conspiracy and isn't a natural born citizen. This, Friends and Foes, doesn't even pass the Smell Test. It's a travesty to common sense, common decency and the Office of the President, both past and present to think such things.
Sad fact is, I know people who have their doubts. Sad fact is, I suspect that deep down, their doubts are compounded not just by disagreement with Obama's politics, but by the fact that they don't like the idea of a Black Man in the White House. They will deny from the tallest trees and the lowest valley's that they ain't racist, but...well, it makes me wonder.
That Obama felt compelled to do this, to cave in to the whispers, to release his so-called 'Long Form' birth certificate because publicity hounds like The Donald started stirring up the shit pot again, well it makes me very sad. It makes me believe that The Dumb has really become the Altar at which we as American worship. We seem to revel in believing the absolute worst about everyone and everything. That 25%, which is 1 in 4, of the electorate could believe that a man, duly elected President, could be born outside the country boggles the mind. Until you consider that this President is also a Black Man, and smarter than 98% of the people in any room, well...you do the math. That these people vote should scare you. It does me, that's for damn sure.
While Obama, who did say (correctly as it happens) that there will be those who won't accept this as the last word, and will find more shit to fling about (The Donald is now asking for him to produce his school records), this should convince those on the fence who were waffling. This won't convince the bigots, haters and idiots who just hate him because he's Black and Smart and Democrat. I'd dearly love to tell the so-called 'Birthers' to STFU, but I know it won't do a damn bit of good. They will just dream up more stupid shit to waste time slobbering over in their hate-filled hovels. So no, telling them to STFU would be a waste of time.
imaginary creatures,