its started raining again *beams* i love it when it rains. i osso haf that garbage song in my head. lol
i havent updated in awhile. since i got back, ive been hafing issues wif my comp. pfft. its now pretti much settled. new cpu, new mb and 2GB of hdd space. woohoo! i just haf to reinstall all my games n softwares. im running on the bare essentials atm. wahahaha! im getting getting there.
quick update on wot i been up to in the 3 weeks ive been back. i got a new fone (belated birthday present with compliments of my bro)! im now the very proud owner of a
dopod 838 pro n i LOVE it to bits! its not for pple who like yakking on the fone all the time n its not for pple who like sliding their mobiles in their jeans pockets. but if u're like me, i highly recommend this fone. in fact, any pda fone! i din wanna get it in sg cos of the whole warranty thing so i got it under contract here. suits me fine cos Three actually has pretti gd deals n plans when it comes to their netuse n all.
my flight back was excellent. for the first time in years n years, there were no crying babies, no wierd or annoying pple, no turbulance, perfect take off and landing, gd movies, no glitches wotsoever. bliss!
went to perisher within a week of getting back. i oni managed a mere 2hr sleep the nite before the trip so i was realli buggered. decided to skip skiing n just walk ard the snow n become the camera/video lady. hehe. personally, i din think it was as fun as last yr. maybe cos there were more of us this yr n everyone was just kinda doing their own thing. shrugs. its usually more fun when the pple u go wif are all good friends u're used to hanging out wif. next yr im gonna plan an overniter to falls creek since angie highly recommends it :)
oh...n i found kee's chicken rice mix in syd! woohoo! was browsing the shelves for ikan bilis cubes when i stumbled across the kee's range. grabbed the sambal n the garlic chilli too. teehee! will try to remember to update when i give them a try. now if i cld just find my canned braised peanuts...*drools*
ok. the bed beckons. tata!