Jul 18, 2007 00:24
i think for most pple as they get older, the number of good friends ard them diminish. such is the fact of life. u grow up, get jobs, haf relationships, haf kids, haf responsibilities. the list is endless. im not toking abt friends u oni sprout rubbish wif. u may tok wif each other all day everyday but ultimately that's still surface tok. on the other hand u may tok wif a friend oni once a yr and yet haf a more meaningful conversation than 1000 surface toks combined.
hafing said that, i love my friends. im one of those who has several bunches of friends who fulfil the many aspects of my life, rather than hafing one bunch of friends who do the same thing. but because of that, when i hear them all unanimously telling me the same thing, i know its somefing i haf to reassess.
those who know me know ive got a situation that is desperately in need of attention. i havent quite done anything abt it, partly due to where i am n who im with, and ive let it drag for almost 2yrs now.
met up wif brian n merv tonite n it was a very good catch up session :) dinner n drinks wif good ol' buddies. both of whom are close enuff to me to corner me with regards to my current situation. but unlike my other more diplomatic friends, they were more blunt when it came to the discussion n i suppose im forced to c where i am n i dont like it.
i haf alot of changes to make n i need to be motivated!