DAY ELEVEN ★ all he knew

Nov 18, 2015 20:55

Username: chocoyeol
Prompt #: 212 [prompt details]Catboy!AU. Kyungsoo finds an abandoned cat on the streets, but the cat is too stubborn to go with him. Kyungsoo proceeds to visit him everyday, anyway.
Title: All He Knew
Ship: D.O./Yifan
Rating: G
Word count: 1,360 words
Summary: He sees him at the alley everyday.
Notes: The beginning started off pretty awkwardly but I'm so happy it mellowed out into something nice ^^ I hope you like it!

Cold ground and wet rain was all he knew, curled up under makeshift shelters and digging through the bins for any edible food. Dark alleys were home and dirt was nothing but the scars of life that had turned horrible for the lost souls that resided there. Among the lumps of bodies curled up under newspapers and cardboard boxes laid Kris. He wasn’t much of a talker, often migrating around the city back-alleys to find his own spot. The other people didn’t mind him, they often gave him scraps and sometimes let him share their spots for the night, he didn’t take up much.

It was the same day that Kris found his own spot that he saw the man go past, the one that smelled like cinnamon donuts and chocolate. He was always dressed smartly; pressed white shirt tucked into black slacks and polished shoes clicking on the pavement as he strolled past from the bus stop. His tie would always fly into his face as he got off the bus, his hands coming up to push it down and his briefcase waving around awkwardly as it followed the movements. Kris found it amusing to watch the man struggle before speed-walking to a small run-down house two doors down from the alley in which Kris resided. He settled down into the pile of newspaper before drifting off to sleep, dreaming of donuts and hot chocolate, the scent lingering long after the man had retreated.

It was a week after the first sighting that Kris knew the man had seen him. Those wide, inquisitive eyes stared down at his curled up form, thick lips pressed into a line as his eyebrows furrowed with worry. Kris didn’t want to see that look, the look everyone gave him and the other people, as if they wished that people weren’t so unfortunate. He hated that look, so when he saw the emotion reflected in those orbs, he stalked away as quickly as he could on his skinny legs.

Two days after that incident, Kris woke up to a box of food in front of him. It wasn’t amazing food but after spending so long digging through trash cans, the simple canned tuna looked like a 5-star meal. He wasn’t sure if it was the man from before or someone else but he didn’t pay any mind as he dug into the meat like it was the most delicious food he’s ever tasted.

Since then, every morning, Kris had woken up with a box of canned tuna next to him, sometimes it would be a bottle of banana milk, once it was even a box of bacon and eggs. Each time, he had wolfed down the food like no tomorrow, his stomach increasingly less grumbling and felt like he had more strength to support his body weight so he could finally walk without using the wall as support anymore.

Two months later, in the early morning, Kris woke up to a clanging noise, a tin rolling out of his vision and a shadow frozen in front of him. Startled, he sat up quickly and retreated into the makeshift shelter behind him. It was that man, all dressed and ready to work, but in his hand he held another box, a delicious smell wafting from the gaps. It smelled like chicken. Kris stared at the man with narrowed eyes, the man just offering him a smile before placing the box onto the ground in front of him. “Eat well.” Was all he said, standing up straight and taking a step back. Kris inched forward, inhaling the smell of the food before digging into the food hungrily. The man just stood and watched him eat, occasionally checking his watch before he walked away with a quick “see you later!”.

Kris woke up every day to the man feeding since then, every morning was like a mini version of the man’s actual breakfast. At first, Kris was slightly sceptical that the man would make the effort every day just to feed him but slowly and surely, he wasn’t as startled when he saw the shadow hovering over him every morning. Then one day, gentle fingers found its way onto his head, soft fingertips rubbing circles into his head. Kris didn’t know how to react, flinching away at first before he couldn’t resist the touch and leaning back for more head rubs.

Kyungsoo smiled down at the form under his hand, the matted fur rubbing coarsely against his skin before he crouched down. “I want to bring you home. Would you like that? I’ll give you lots of food and nice warm baths and a nice soft bed, out of the rain and cold.” He wasn’t sure if the kitten knew what he was saying, instead it just continued to nuzzle its head against his hand. Perhaps he should just bring it home with him.

Without much contemplation, he scooped the now yielding kitten into his arms and waddled to the door of his home. Inside, it was warm and toasty, perfect for a Saturday spent inside. The kitten seemed to notice the change in temperature, its eyes scanning around the room before yowling. Surprised, Kyungsoo placed it down, the kitten diving for cover behind the sofa. Kyungsoo had an inkling of what happened, many times he had come across the kitten in both forms. As a kitten and as a human. A messy mop of dirty blond popped over the top of the sofa, followed by a forehead and narrowed eyes. Knowing full well what sudden moves could agitate, Kyungsoo raised his hands in front of him, much like the guy in Jurassic World with his velociraptors, and took small, steady steps to approach the man.

“It’s alright. I’m not going to hurt you. I want to help you.” He locked eyes with the kitten-man and inched his way around the sofa. “I’m Kyungsoo. Did you understand what I said earlier in the alley?”

The man gave a small nod of his head.

“Would you like that? I can look after you, but you don’t have to be mine, you can leave when you want but I want to give you a chance to live somewhere nice.”

Black ears twitched and eyes narrowed more before the man crawled out from behind the sofa. His black tail flicked behind him through a hole in his pants but apart from that he had no other forms of clothing on. Kyungsoo closed his eyes to prevent himself from staring too much.

“A-Alright. Let’s run you a nice, warm bath y-yeah?”

He stepped around the crouching man, walking to the bathroom. Gentle padding footsteps could be heard behind him and he smiled lightly.

“I think the bath might be a tad small but it’s better than puddles, eh?”

Warm water filled the tub, bubbles foaming from the liquid poured in it. The kitten-man was in it even before Kyungsoo could even open his mouth.

“Well… Enjoy your bath, take your time and I’ll go make some lunch, shall I?”

Kyungsoo moved to leave the bathroom, hanging the spare bathrobe onto the hook before reaching to close the door.

“Thank you…”

The voice was gentle, raspy and deep. It made Kyungsoo have a double-take. The kitten-man was staring down at his bubble covered hands, his cheeks tinged pink under the dirt smears there. Lips forming a wide smile, Kyungsoo let out a soft chuckle to loosen the tension in the air.

“It’s quite alright, you’re welcome…uh…”

Kyungsoo trailed off, unsure if the kitten-man actually had a name to start with. Not wanting to make it like he was forcing the other to reveal his name, Kyungsoo nodded his head, slowly retreating out the door.

“M-My name…My name is Kris.”

Kyungsoo peeked around the door, wide enough to just fit his head. Kris was looking at him now, a dark burning stare as if waiting to see his reaction.

“Well, it’s nice to meet you, Kris.”

Kris’s heart fluttered at the lingering image of a heart-shaped smile burned into his mind, a smile forming on his own lips once the doors were closed.

*fanfiction, ship: d.o./yifan, day 11, rating: g

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