My father ran over my bike as he was leaving for work this morning. I was barely awake and could hear him talking with my mother at the bottom of the stairs. I heard him say something about his car, and then heard her say, "Oh poor Etienne, he really loved that...". Not being very awake and not hearing my mother completely, I thought they were talking about
Winston, my dog. I thought my father ran over my dog. I ran downstairs, almost on the verge of crying, and asked if Winston was dead. My father said Winston was fine and in the backyard, but that my bike was now partially underneath his car.
He went upstairs to change out of his suit and I got dressed, and we tried to maneuver my bike out from under his car so that it didn't damage the bike anymore than it already was. We weren't very successful. The front wheel spokes / fender are all bent and the frame is mangled. Tomorrow we're going bicycle shopping. I feel really bad for my father because my grandfather bought me that bike for my birthday the year he died, and it really meant a lot to me and my father. Not to mention it's my fault I left my bike out in the driveway, anyway. He said it might be fixable if we can find the right repair shop.
Once we got the bike mess cleaned up, he drove me to school. Thankfully Jennifer drove me home so I didn't have to ride the bus. Hopefully I will find the perfect bike this weekend so I will not have to ride the bus home next week. If I ride the bus, I get home around 3:45 and that's entirely not good as I'd be missing 15 minutes of COPS. Oh, speaking of which, look what time it is, almost 3:30PM PST, COPS, man.