Mass Storage for the Masses

Jan 22, 2009 11:33

I find myself, somewhat surprisingly, in possession of six (6) little microSD memory chips, each one containing a
bout 2GB of storage. They are tiny - about the size of a fingernail - and very precious to me. I intend to send them  forth into the world to find new sources of music and return to me, sated and full, to discharge their harmonious cargo into my hands.

But until that happens, I simply plan on loading them with MP3s from my collection and having different chips carry different music - one chip with fast-moving bicycling music. One with gloomy winter music. One with Beatles. You know how it works.

My problem here, as is often the case, is one of logistics. These chips should ideally travel with me whereever I go, whether in a bag, a pouch or (if necessity demands) inserted into a bodily orifice for safekeeping. For that, I need them encased in something that is both protective and usable, suitable for both storage and retrieval. Right now I’ve got all five that aren’t in use in the little plastic snap-case they came in, pictured on left. This isn’t sustainable, though. The case keeps opening and sending its precious cargo hurtling through the dark recesses of my bag. Any other solutions I can think of make it much too difficult to open and pick music-chips.

So help me, gentle readers! How can I best convey my music around with me?
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