visceral dreaming

Jul 25, 2012 15:56

Probably one of the nicer parts of having pregnancy hormones surging through your body is the weird and wacky dreams you get. I definitely dream a lot more vividly when I'm pregnant, and it's even more memorable because the majority of the dreams involve some sort of physical encounter, bodily fluids and all.

Some that really stayed in my mind:

Get Yer Sexy On
A non-pregnant (and apparently non-married) me starts a first day at work at an advertising agency. Enter nice guy who shows me the ropes around the office even though he doesn't have to. We have post-work drinks and nice guy goes on to show me a lot more than where the office files are kept. Very graphic and er... very entertaining.

ER in a car
I dreamed that I was in labour and stuck in a car somewhere with my friend KT's husband who is a real-life gynaecologist, although he strictly isn't an OBGYN and doesn't deliver babies. Very odd considering I have met him a total of two times and even then we only exchanged pleasantries. Anyway he needed to insert an IV into my hand and since we were in a car with no other medical supplies he used his car key to puncture two holes into my vein. I woke up feeling like my hand was sore and texted KT about the dream, to which she replied saying that she laughed so hard her cereal almost came out of her nostrils.

The Thing
This one, last night: the right side of my face had a huge open sore through which blood and other membranous things kept oozing out. Actually, 'ooze' isn't the right word - the blood clots seemed to have a life of their own and would form large bloody lumps that creeped out of the wound and slithered down my face. Very strange and yet I wanted more to come.

And then there are the various dreams that continue on the giving birth and soft-porn spectrum. Not difficult to guess what my subconscious is busy stewing over, is it. At least it makes my nights without J a lot more entertaining!

Speaking of J: 17 more days before his return. At least 7 of which we will be together in Switzerland, so that's not too bad, really.

quotidian, babybao

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