gym scenes

Feb 09, 2011 15:24

Spotted in The Bun's gym class today: hyper-competitive, over-controlling mother. Her daughter's new in class and this is her first week; she's fifteen months old and barely began walking, so she understandably spends half her time crawling around on the mat.

At the end of the session, when all the other kids got up to chase and play with bubbles, this mother, who was sitting at the edge of the mat, kept barking: '[kid]! Stand up and catch the bubbles!'

That order wasn't given just once, but several times. Poor kid. First, you have stand up and grab those bubbles before the other kids get to them! Next, you'll have to snag every gold star in kindergarten and every A grade in primary school. Tiger mother, beware.

And how is it that when I finally make a mom friend who I actually like (and who inexplicably likes me back), plus the fact that our kids really seem to hit it off (and not hit each other), she turns out to live abroad 90% of the year and is just back to see family for a month? Boo.

quotidian, hell is other people

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