brain vacation

Jun 07, 2005 16:19

With the Big Apple 2 days away, you'd think I'd be more excited, but in truth, I'm just mellow. I like knowing that by the end of the week, I'll be pounding the streets in a city of 8 million, me and my thoughts alone. But I'm not particularly excited, not bouncing-up-and-down or can't-think-of-anything-but-NY excited. I'm looking forward to it, but I'm not overly excited.

Maybe that's because I've begun decompressing. Most of the work stuff that I had to clear in advance I already did when I pulled 14-hour shifts at work last week. There're various bits and pieces still hanging, but nothing's going to fall apart while I'm away. I hope. And even if it does, what can
I do anyway?

J called from NY and said that it's HOT. Darn, just when I was waiting to get out of the heatwave that we've been having the last couple of weeks. Last night I blasted my iPod, finished packing my suitcase, and went to bed early. There's bliss in being in a quiet flat all by yourself.
~ I wanna play with my doggie right now!
~ I hate it when I'm PMS-y
~ Potato chips taste good especially when you're not supposed to have them.
~ Manhattan Transit Authority maps are quite intriguing
~ Photoshop brushes are fun!


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