I Finished Season 2 of SPN - Yay!

Jul 31, 2015 01:11

We had no Internet tonight (until now) so I watched the final two DVDs of season 2. The episodes were Roadkill, Heart, Hollywood Babylon, Folsom Prison Blues, What Is and What Should Never Be, and All Hell Breaks Loose Parts I and II. I liked all of them.
My thoughts )

season 2, supernatural

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supernutjapan August 1 2015, 13:51:40 UTC
Roadkill - I do love this episode as well. I tend to really like the ghost episodes especially because there is always some reason why they can't let go, and the way they either burn up or leave is always so satisfying! I love the twist in this ep and I enjoy rewatching it even though I know the outcome.

What a beautiful scene <3<3

Heart - Sam finally lets himself be comforted, and then has to kill the girl *headdesk* This is an awesome ep. So emotional. And Sam is sooo cute.

and of course the end...

Hollywood Babylon was quite a hilarious episode. It's not one of my favorites but I do appreciate it. Oh, the interesting thing about walking off into the sunset there... is that there is a real sunset behind it :D

Fulsome Prison Blues - also had a surprise since we didn't know that the guard was their friend aye? And also the end where we are worried that Henriksen is going to catch them in the graveyard.

Did you already know that the guy that played Tiny was actually Jensen's bodyguard? LOL I loved how Dean was so at home in prison. It reminded me of several movies I'd seen.

What is and what should never be - a very sad episode. Dean feeling that hole he talked about and just wanting it all to be over, but deciding to come back from his dreamworld for Sam's sake.

All Hell Breaks Loose - I am more of a fan of the second of these. After Dean sells his soul and killing the Yellow Eyed Demon (YED).

I love how dad comes back and helps them <3

Dean explaining to Bobby that he felt it was right for him to give up his life for Sam because he should have been dead (a season ago) and we see how much that hole had been a burden to him all this time.

Awesome ending to the season!


yeuxdebleu August 1 2015, 22:38:55 UTC
I did NOT see that ending coming in Roadkill. The ending was so beautifully filmed. And I felt so, so sorry for Madison and Sam in Heart. It tears me up to see the boys crying, especially Sam because he looks for vulnerable. Does Madison somehow survive to appear in later seasons?

Yeah, I certainly didn't suspect that Deacon was an ally.

I read in Super Wiki about "Tiny" being Jensen's bodyguard in RL. Does Jared have his own bodyguard?

We learn just how far Dean will go to save Sam, but even though John made Dean promise to save Sam, I have no doubt that Sam would (will) do the same for Dean. (I've seen the final episode of season 10.) I can't wait to see how Ruby helps Dean get out of his crossroads deal.

According to the special features, JDMs scene in the last episode was filmed without anyone else on set and after most of the episode had been filmed because he was available for only one day of shooting.


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