I Finished Season 2 of SPN - Yay!

Jul 31, 2015 01:11

We had no Internet tonight (until now) so I watched the final two DVDs of season 2. The episodes were Roadkill, Heart, Hollywood Babylon, Folsom Prison Blues, What Is and What Should Never Be, and All Hell Breaks Loose Parts I and II. I liked all of them.
My thoughts )

season 2, supernatural

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keeper_of_stars August 1 2015, 04:08:57 UTC
Roadkill: I remember being so shocked by the twist at the end of this episode. I loved when they went back and showed all the little moments that should have been clues. And I totally agree about the song choice, it was haunting. The ending of this one is so sad.

Heart: The ending to this one is perfect. This episode never fails to make me cry.

Hollywood Babylon: This ep shows how witty and irreverent this show can be. So fun.

Folsom Prison Blues: I've always loved this one. The conversations between Dean and Tiny are great. And I love the reveal of Deacon and Dean getting to punch him. :P

What Is and What Should Never Be: This one hurts the heart for a million different reasons. Great episode.

All Hell Breaks Loose: You'll get to see Ash again in season 5. :) These two episodes are great. I loved seeing Bobby and Dean together and seeing Sam out on hos own. The dreams with Yellow Eyes were interesting. And Sam's death... So sad.


yeuxdebleu August 1 2015, 22:21:12 UTC
I loved when they went back and showed all the little moments that should have been clues.

Yes, they did the same thing in the Haley Joel Osmont film The Sixth Sense. The ending is indeed sad, but oh, so beautifully filmed.

Heart could just as well have gotten its name because the end was Heartbreaking. I felt so sorry for Madison and it tore me up to see Sam so sad.

Yep, WIAWSNB was extremely poignant.

Bobby together with either of the boys is wonderful and I loved the tongue lashing he gave Dean over his crossroads deal. Sam's death was as sad as Dean giving up most of his own life to bring him back. I hope Ruby was right when she said she could help Dean get out of the deal. Glad to hear that Ash will be back.


keeper_of_stars August 3 2015, 03:43:38 UTC
Yes, they did the same thing in the Haley Joel Osmont film The Sixth Sense. The ending is indeed sad, but oh, so beautifully filmed.
Right. I love The Sixth Sense. So great.

Booby will give them many more tongue lashings to come and they will deserve every one. He's a much better father to them than John ever was, which is something that comes up later on.

The deal... The deal makes for a very sad season. No comments on Ruby.


yeuxdebleu August 3 2015, 03:49:26 UTC
The Sixth Sense is one of my favorite movies.

Bobby is a hoot when he lectures the boys. I like him a lot.

Oh no, the deal makes the season sad? It's already sad because of that. Dean's devil-may-care attitude so badly upsets Sam. How long will it be before Dean is free of the deal?

I'm not sure what "No comments on Ruby" means, but I rather enjoy her.


keeper_of_stars August 7 2015, 03:42:55 UTC
Bobby is just... perfect, lol. I love him. :P

I see that you've seen the end of s3, so you know how the deal affected everything in s3. It made the season very heavy.

"No comments on Ruby" = SPOILERS


yeuxdebleu August 7 2015, 04:05:33 UTC
Yes, I've seen the end of season 3 and the first 2 eps of season 4. Season 3 was pretty tense with the deal affecting everything.

About Ruby, I know she's back in a new body (Gen/Kathy), but there hasn't been too much of her yet in the first two S4 episodes.


keeper_of_stars August 8 2015, 04:21:52 UTC
Like I said, the deal had a huge affect on s3. It gets really heavy at times.

Ruby 2.0 is very important in s4. You'll being seeing LOTS of her.


yeuxdebleu August 8 2015, 06:27:12 UTC
Ruby 2.0 is Gen and I'm looking forward to that.


keeper_of_stars August 12 2015, 03:54:15 UTC
I'm.... not a fan of Gen as an actress. She doesn't do anything for me.


yeuxdebleu August 12 2015, 07:18:11 UTC
I'm not very impressed with her either. I liked Katie better.


keeper_of_stars August 23 2015, 04:18:32 UTC
Same here.


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