Season Two, Three More Episodes

Jul 29, 2015 02:57

Tonight I watched The Usual Suspects, Crossroad Blues and Crotoan. Loved them all.
The details )

season 2, supernatural

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casey28 July 29 2015, 17:29:11 UTC
The Usual Suspects - I love how connected the boys are, even though they're separated for most of the ep. Like, both of them trying to figure out what 'danashulps' means, at the same time.

Crossroad Blues - Yes, Dean did look tempted (to make a deal to bring John back. That was a great scene.

Croatoan - One of my favorite eps of season 2. Great premise, awesome background music, and it's so beautifully filmed. It has one of my favorite opening scenes ( Sam's vision of Dean making the decision to shoot Duane Tanner), and later on, we see how that vision has changed, when Dean decides not to do it.

Gosh, it was so tense when Sam got the tainted blood smeared into the cut the demon made. And it was heart wrenching when Dean wouldn't leave him.

Yes! I love these scenes so much.

The last scene is the one I was telling you about, where everyone had to wait until hiatus was over to find out what the "secret" is.


yeuxdebleu July 30 2015, 05:25:01 UTC
Yes, watching them simultaneously working out what danashulps means was great.

Agreed, great use of Sam's vision re Duane Tanner in Croatoan.

I loved how Bobby described them as "an old married couple" when they're bickering in Tall Tales. I have thought the same thing myself. The chemistry between Jensen and Jared is palpable in all their scenes together.


casey28 August 2 2015, 13:24:35 UTC
I loved how Bobby described them as "an old married couple" when they're bickering in Tall Tales. I have thought the same thing myself. The chemistry between Jensen and Jared is palpable in all their scenes together.

I love that description, too. They're totally like "an old married couple". I also liked them being called "conjoined twins", as a way of saying that they're very close. They do have amazing chemistry.


yeuxdebleu August 2 2015, 22:29:53 UTC
I noticed Dean said "Siamese twins" and Sam corrected him. Conjoined twins is the preferred term. Leave it to Sam to know.


casey28 August 2 2015, 22:46:32 UTC
Yes, Sam corrected him. He knows the preferred terms for things, and its kind of joke throughout the seasons that Sam will let Dean know the proper word to use.


yeuxdebleu August 2 2015, 23:14:51 UTC
...Sam will let Dean know the proper word to use.

I've noticed. It's very funny sometimes.


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