News for Fans of "Broadchurch"

Nov 18, 2013 19:05

Casting has been announced for the US adaptation of "Broadchurch" which will be called "Gracepoint."

See who's been cast. I'm just grateful that David Tennant will still be in it.

david tennant, broadchurch, gracepoint

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Comments 28

peripety November 19 2013, 00:38:39 UTC
I enjoyed the series very much and it's great that David Tennant will be in the US version.


yeuxdebleu November 19 2013, 00:44:12 UTC
So did I, in fact I loved it. What I can't figure out from that article is where the story will be set...and filmed. Still in England? Anna Gunn is American, Jacki Weaver is Australian and David Tennant is Scottish so I'm assuming it will still take place in England.

Edit: I just read something else that said "... in Fox's Americanized remake of BBC's Broadchurch, due next season." I wonder if it will be filmed here and David and Jacki will use American accents.


addie71 November 19 2013, 02:06:12 UTC
I haven't seen Broadchurch yet, but I'm really looking forward to seeing this. I'm glad David will be in this one, too. :D


yeuxdebleu November 19 2013, 04:26:03 UTC
You haven't? I hope you can find it somewhere. It wasn't on the BBC America web least not unless it's been added recently. And didn't have it either. Maybe now that it's no longer airing somebody will have it available on line. I think the DVDs are out now so if you have Netflix, you could check there. It's a truly terrific show and David was wonderful in it.


addie71 November 19 2013, 12:13:16 UTC
Thanks! I'll try Netflix.


yeuxdebleu November 27 2013, 02:20:01 UTC
I couldn't survive without Netflix. Living here in the boonies like I do, seeing most of the movies that interest me in a theater isn't possible. Netflix if my go to source for movies.


keeper_of_stars November 19 2013, 04:10:13 UTC
Blah, this does not need to happen. Why must we mess with something that was already brilliant?


yeuxdebleu November 19 2013, 04:22:01 UTC
Personally, I'd rather just watch season two of Broadchurch, which is currently being filmed in England. American remakes of British TV shows and movies are rarely as good as the originals. Maybe this will be one of the exceptions. At least it's a good cast.


keeper_of_stars November 19 2013, 04:57:15 UTC
Same here. American remakes are generally just... awful. Have you watched Being Human? That one is just beyond terrible.

I find it very strange that Tennant is playing the same role in the American version. It's redundant. Why play the same character again only Americanized?


yeuxdebleu November 27 2013, 02:17:58 UTC
I find that very strange, too.

I watched the first two episodes of "Being Human" when it first started airing. I didn't like it at all. The only British TV show that's been successful in an American adaptation is "The Office." I didn't watch it, but I know if was very popular.


arabia764 November 19 2013, 09:01:54 UTC
Wouldn't it just be easier to show Broadchurch? In England we have lots of American TV, I'm sure it can work the other way round.

Although... thinking about it, the English version of Law ad Order was very different and I really enjoyed it.


yeuxdebleu November 27 2013, 02:09:58 UTC
Broadchurch was shown here in the US on BBC America and was hugely popular. I have no idea why anyone felt it was necessary to make a version set in the US. At least I assume they will set it in the US. I wonder if David Tennant will use an American accent of if they'll let him stay British. He does excellent accents so if they choose the former, I have no doubt he'll be able to pull it off. But why??? We have series two of Broadchurch to look forward to and I am most definitely eager to have it.

I've seen some of the English Law & Order shows -- also on BBC America -- and loved them. It's so interesting to see an American TV show adapted as English.


arabia764 November 28 2013, 10:48:02 UTC
I've never heard David Tennant do an American accent, is he good?

Thinking about it more I realise that when they remake things they o it with that countries essence. That sounds rude! I hope you know what I mean. It's like Law and Order - I like both the UK and the US versions but they have a very different feel to them. Perhaps it's best if we don't compare them.


yeuxdebleu November 29 2013, 03:00:19 UTC
I've never heard David Tennant do an American accent, is he good?

I've only heard him do it once on one or our late night talk shows and he was spot on. Some people just naturally seem to be better at accents than others. Many British actors say they learned their American accent from watching so many US TV shows.

I realise that when they remake things they do it with that countries essence. That sounds rude! I hope you know what I mean.

I do, and I agree with you. I think both versions of Law & Order are good, but I absolutely LOVE UK TV shows in general. Another show that transferred well from the UK to the US was The Office. I thought the US did a credible job of remaking that show for US audiences.

But I wish they wouldn't mess about with shows that are already outstanding.


janejanejane November 19 2013, 19:34:15 UTC
It was an excellent series... I can't see a reason for the American remake :-/


yeuxdebleu November 27 2013, 02:13:55 UTC
Broadchurch was shown here in the US on BBC America and was hugely popular. I have no idea why anyone felt it was necessary to make a version set in the US. At least I assume they will set it in the US.

I wonder if David Tennant will use an American accent of if they'll let him stay British. He does excellent accents so if they choose the former, I have no doubt he'll be able to pull it off. But why??? We have series two of Broadchurch to look forward to and I am most definitely eager to have it.


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