News for Fans of "Broadchurch"

Nov 18, 2013 19:05

Casting has been announced for the US adaptation of "Broadchurch" which will be called "Gracepoint."

See who's been cast. I'm just grateful that David Tennant will still be in it.

david tennant, broadchurch, gracepoint

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keeper_of_stars November 19 2013, 04:10:13 UTC
Blah, this does not need to happen. Why must we mess with something that was already brilliant?


yeuxdebleu November 19 2013, 04:22:01 UTC
Personally, I'd rather just watch season two of Broadchurch, which is currently being filmed in England. American remakes of British TV shows and movies are rarely as good as the originals. Maybe this will be one of the exceptions. At least it's a good cast.


keeper_of_stars November 19 2013, 04:57:15 UTC
Same here. American remakes are generally just... awful. Have you watched Being Human? That one is just beyond terrible.

I find it very strange that Tennant is playing the same role in the American version. It's redundant. Why play the same character again only Americanized?


yeuxdebleu November 27 2013, 02:17:58 UTC
I find that very strange, too.

I watched the first two episodes of "Being Human" when it first started airing. I didn't like it at all. The only British TV show that's been successful in an American adaptation is "The Office." I didn't watch it, but I know if was very popular.


keeper_of_stars November 27 2013, 04:27:26 UTC
I watched the first few episodes on the US Being Human, but only because Mark Pellegrino was on it. I don't think I'd have made it as far as I did if he wasn't. Terrible.

I've never watched The Office, either version. Never interested me.


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