on a plane bound for the sun; kyujong/youngsaeng

Jul 09, 2011 01:10

Title: On a Plane Bound for the Sun
Rating: PG
Summary: Youngsaeng and Kyujong's first few minutes of their trip.

He has a scattered half hour’s worth of sleep in his hands. A few minutes throughout the day that total up to a weak nap that he used to be expected to work with. His body feels heavy, burdened with the luggage of more than one person strapped over his shoulders and tied across his back. It’s only them two though.

Kyujong holds his passport in his hand as they reach the end of the line while Youngsaeng is too busy trying to find an open bottle of water he has to throw out before they reach inspections. Flying in an even smaller group feels more burdensome, his ears search for the nagging voice of one or another's badgering him as to why he didn't have his bag more organized.

Youngsaeng's hand comes out with the water bottle and a small balled piece of chewed bubble gum in its aluminum wrapper. He looks around for a trash and doesn't see any. Kyujong has already slipped off his shoes and is putting up his bag and shoes on the conveyor belt. "Youngsaeng ah," he calls and wakes Youngsaeng up from the light daze he has managed to fall into.

His shoes are more or less nudged off and Kyujong picks them up to place them alongside his. Kyujong is the doting mother as he fixes and arranges their luggage and pushes it through the mouth of the machine. He motions that Youngsaeng cross the threshold while he stays with their things.

He does as he is told and within seconds, Kyujong is at his side helping to gather their things. While they are both half asleep, Kyujong is the one urging and pushing his hyung to move faster.

They make their way past terminals to reach their own departure gate and thankfully, they are a few minutes early. There is just enough time for Youngsaeng to buy an airport approved water bottle for the flight. It only takes a few minutes before boarding begins and the both of them are practically falling asleep where they stand praying for their section to be called next to board the plane and fall asleep.

Amidst the noise of passengers boarding he can hear hopeful promises of hours of uninterrupted sleep and a too thin blanket over him. And if he has trouble falling asleep, Kyujong will hold his hand under their blankets writing the notes to a lullaby on the back of his palm.

"You should get some sleep."

Kyujong prompts at him with a weak nudge of his wrist. Youngsaeng knows he looks like death, his eyes red and underlined with rows under his eyes. He smiles however, just to see Kyujong reciprocate the same tired smile. He then shifts the small pillow closer to the edge of the seat, closer to Youngsaeng's own. Youngsaeng looks at Kyujong and he understand the other is in the same state as him. "You look like you could use some sleep too."

"You think? I actually managed about three hours of sleep and yet I feel like if I haven't slept any. Blinked and then the alarm clock woke me up."

Together they could have been a full night's sleep. Youngsaeng hears the announcement for all final calls to be ended and to make sure their luggage is secure in preparation for take off. The both of them move, sleep deprivation slowing them both down considerably. His phone vibrates as his finger hovers over the off button, a message. Checking it quickly, he sees the familiar name in the sender's name. Reading it and then putting his phone away, he returns his attention to Kyujong, a blanket of complacity over him now. "You are by far the corniest man I've ever met in my life."

The other's eyes break out in a smile and he adjusts himself to get comfortable within the small space his coach seat allows. "At least I have no competition for that spot."

Kyujong settles after a moment, body finding comfort in a slouched position with his head half off the lumpy pillow. The stewardess comes up and down the row, checking and rechecking everyone's items and last minute moving of luggage from one overhead cabin to the other. Careful not to disrupt Kyujong, Youngsaeng reaches over him and slides the window the rest of the way down. It's barely dawn and he does not want their sleep to be interrupted by too warm rays in the barely cool airplane.

The lights dim overhead, ready for take off and Youngsaeng tries to find comfort in his cramped seat as well. Kyujong's sleeping face is the last he sees before feels the immediate call into sleep. 'I'm glad we're doing this together too.'

a/n: these were the first two completed scenes i had for a longfic about kyusaeng going on their long trip to the us and japan. i'm never gonna finish it so... here it is :3

otp:youngsaeng/kyujong, fandom:ss501, rating:pg

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