Quick Julia Update

Jan 22, 2010 15:06

This is mostly stolen from a comment I was making, and I decided to share it here too.

Julia's been very cheerful and chirpy now that we've got her sleep cycles more stable. She's figured out how to roll from back onto stomach (very early for that), but has no idea what to do from there, so if left alone she will often spend some time working, roll over, then spend more time working and start crying because she's stuck on her stomach. She was having trouble sleeping for a bit because she kept waking up in the middle of the night to practice rolling, but that seems to have died down.

Her current favorite thing is introducing toys to each other. She'll grab one, grab another, hold them together over her chest, and talk very seriously at both of them. By talk I mean "goo goo agoo aaaa", but she clearly means something by it. We intend to teach her our language so she can share her culture.
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