Mar 18, 2008 23:42

I need break. I want break. And I want it NOW.

I am so sick of studying for Diet and Exercise and I've only studied for 2 days. I still have half the material to take notes on, not to mention make flashcards, answer the ?s in the study guide...GROSS. And I tried to tan while studying today and yesterday and as a result, my shoulders are both red. Wonderful. My legs are really what need tanning and they are still as ghostly as ever.

I went to dinner with the Signature girlies tonight at this little Italian place in Westwood. Good food, a little over-priced, bad service, and a little squabble with the manager. Funny stuff. Spring Sing next quarter is gonna drive me nuts. We have to go to all these extra rehearsals which will probably conflict with the puppet show thingy I'm in since we are now performing it at the Geffen PLayhouse for 2 nights (a really professional, cool venue in Westwood where Joan Rivers is currently performing. Intense.).

I'm just sitting at my desk already stressing about next quarter. And I haven't even finished this freakin one. RAWWR. I honestly don't know how I'm going to survive the ridiculousness of next quarter. I have class every day until 6, starting at 9 or noon tho which is nice. There's a bunch of acappella stuff along with Spring Sing, the people behind which I kind of want to strangle. I'm in a show that's touring to elementary schools and is now going to the Geffen. I'm crewing for the spring musical the same 3 weeks as that tour. My life is going to be nuts. Why do I do this to myself? Oh that's right; because I'm psycho and I need to be busy at all times, even if it makes me want to gag myself with a knife. How could I have forgotten?

I need to write a 3 page paper now. Goodbye livejournal. Thank you for listening...
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