Icon Batch 4 - TVXQ, SS501, Super Junior M (Zhou Mi)

Mar 07, 2010 12:28

This one's HUGE xD

Sorry that not all the icons came out well~ @.@;  I was trying out some new adjustments and not all of the pictures took to the changes very well...

Credit me if using!  Just go to the 'comments' section of the userpics and put down "Made by yeonah" to credit!

First of all, the TVXQ and SS501 icons.  TVXQ requested by sbluesnow ~ <3

Now, a separate list for Super Junior M (Zhou Mi /coughcough/ )

When I said send all images you want iconized, I really meant ALL xDDDD;;;  Zhou Mi icons requested by mi_iseul ~ <3


And now the uber-fail Vamp!Mi >.<;;;  I'm sorry for how it turned out~!!! /hides


Love how YoungSaeng manages to make his way into every single icon batch so far xD /not biased at all/ Though I don't think 2 SS501 icons makes it worth posting on the comm... >.<;;;  Anyone know what the comms are for graphics of TVXQ and Super Junior? /dunce

Requests are still on btw~!  Hopefully they're getting better as I go >.>;;;

/hurries to finish homework, will be online later!

fandom: super junior, media: icons, fandom: ss501, fandom: dbsk

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