Christmas fics? Christmas fics!

Nov 26, 2013 19:23

For the first time in...a couple years...I'm attempted Christmas fic requests again! I've been avoiding them because my mind hates me and is very likely to turn any request into a 7-part epic saga, and I really can't do that for however many requests I get, I'd die. So this year I'm imposing a few restrictions on myself, the main one being present fics will not go past 5k in length. If they do, those fics will get put on hold to do after all others so that as many are done by Christmas as possible. Only once all other presents are done will I tackle those my mind has decided must be longer one-shots or God forbid, chapter fics. I hope the receivers of those fics won't mind if they're later than the rest >o<

Please fill out the following form and leave it in the comments if you want a fic! I reserve the right to ask for something changed if I don't feel like I can do it justice. I'm also only writing AUs, because I've never been a big fan of non-AUs. Crossovers are fantastic. If you just want platonic friendship instead of a pairing, just let me know! I don't write smut.


Groups I can write
Girl's Generation (only Sunny, Seohyun, Sooyoung, Taeyeon)
Infinite (only Dongwoo)
SHINee (only Taemin and Onew)
Super Junior + M
U-KISS (except Hoon, Kiseop and Dongho)

If anyone's doing Christmas fics too, I wouldn't mind a link so I can spam you with requests of my own >.> /shot

WARNING! WARNING! Anyone who's gotten fics from me in the past knows already, but I can't stick to prompts for the life of me. Go into this knowing your prompt may be stretched, twisted, or tossed altogether.

mskatness: No, you can't request I complete your christmas fic from 10000 years ago. No. I refuse. I REFUSE I TELL YOU.
mi_iseul: Let me know if you want major angst/character death :P
renichifreak: Yes, Dongwoo's there just for you /pats

Requests so far

Pairing: ? (EXO and Infinite)
AU: MAMA!verse or Wolf!verse
Prompt: ?

Pairing: SungMin/Xiumin
AU: Vacation
Prompt: "Live life at the top of your lungs"

Pairing: KyuJong/JungMin/YoungSaeng or KyuHyun/Zhou Mi
AU: Sword and Quest Fantasy
Prompt: Dragons

Pairing: HyunJoong/KyuJong or KyuJong/YoungSaeng
AU: Super powers or Vampires or Terminal Illness
Prompt: Life, love and time

Pairing: Chen/Anyone
AU: Supernatural, fantasy, post-apocalyptic, sci-fi, historical/feudal...?
Prompt: 'Silver tongue' / 'Dead men tell no lies'

Pairing: Dongwoo/Soohyun (side!hyunsaeng, Hyun and Dongwoo are half-brothers?)
AU: Angst with happy ending
Prompt: "I was innocent once" or "People keep on saying you should always follow your heart. But when your heart is broken in so many pieces...tell me, which piece should you follow?"

Pairing: Xiumin/Dongwoo
AU: Supernatural or Angels/Demons
Prompt: La douleur exquise

Pairing: Sungmin/Youngsaeng
AU: Any
Prompt: "I gave my love a cherry that has no stone, I gave my love a chicken that has no bones, I gave my love a story that has no end...I have my live a baby with no crying..."

Pairing: SS501
AU: Korean acquisition of the USA after becoming superpowered
Prompt: "So...what do you think of the empire's anthem sounding like recycled k-pop?"

Pairing: Eunhyuk/Donghae
AU: Normal
Prompt: Day after new years

type: request

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