Saving Myungsoo [ONESHOT]

Apr 22, 2012 01:25

slight!Myungyeol, WooGyu; R; angst, action, romance

Warning: this fic contains violence and character death.

Saving Myungsoo

It pours like from a bucket outside, and Kim Sunggyu hugs the coat closer to himself.

“Do you want something, boy?”

He looks up at the bartender of the bistro. He’s an old, terribly wrinkly man of not a big height at all. He lacks some teeth, and doesn’t look all too friendly. Sunggyu nods. “I need some coffee. Two. Wrap it up.” He sniffs the moldy air. It smells like food. He counts the money in his pocket. “And give me some fries.”

The man nods and goes back through the doors to the kitchen.

Sunggyu looks around. The bistro looks empty, except another two men at the corner, watching evening news.

Sunggyu tugs his cap down and sits at the bar.

He taps his fingers rapidly at the wooden bar while waiting for his order. They can’t stay at Wonju for too long.

“…Infinite.” He turns to the television, and sees their smiling faces on the news. He remembers that photoshoot so well, as if it was yesterday. Sungjong was still alive. The memory of his smiling face hurts him. Now there’s a video rolling of Dongwoo and Howon. They both look like they didn’t sleep for days and Howon looks sick. They are led from a big black car through a mob of crying fan girls and reporters.

“The police had decided to detain both Lee Howon and Jang Dongwoo for further investigation. The police have reasoned its actions by declaring that they have more than enough grounds to detain them ever further, since they have changed their statement for three times the last 24 hours. The whereabouts of the remaining four members of Infinite is still unclear, but the authorities has assured us that they are doing the best they can to find-“

“Here.” The bartender dumps his food and drinks on the bar and Sunggyu jumps in surprise. He pays in cash and tugs his cap lower again, as the old man squints eyes at him. He feels his gaze as he exits the bistro into the cold rain.

The gas station looks abandoned at this time of the day. There are merely three cars in the parking lot. The red jeep Woohyun stole back in Seoul doesn’t stands out, and it’s perfect in Sunggyu’s eyes, just like the man that sleeps inside of it in a crooked position.

Sunggyu bangs loudly at the front of the car, before he goes inside and Woohyun jerks awake and wipes his mouth and nose with the back of his wrist.

Sunggyu slams the door shut behind him.

“Where is he?”

“He went to the bathroom.”


“Let him. He’s been dealing with a lot.”

“And we haven’t?”

Woohyun drinks most of the coffee in one gulp, although it’s hot.

It’s silent and they listen to the sound of the rain thundering on the roof of the car.

“Howon looks sick,”

Woohyun looks down at the carton coffee cup in his lap. “And Dongwoo?”

“He looks better. Tired and shaky but better. Hoya’s barely standing. The bodyguard was practically dragging him after himself.”

They watch through the rainy window how Sungyeol comes out of the bathroom of the station and wipes his eyes one last time, before running to the car through the heavy rain.

Sunggyu is once again painfully reminded that they should stop and buy some less colorful clothing. Sungyeol is in a pink jacket, and his white, almost completely dirty jeans. He’s also tall and handsome, so he’ll get noticed a lot.

“Sorry.” Sungyeol’s voice sounds meek and small. Almost like a scolded child, instead of the grown man he is. Even through the darkness Sunggyu can see that his eyes are red-rimmed.

He hands him the fries. “I bought you some food.”


It silent in the car for a few long minutes. Sunggyu doesn’t want to rev the car. He wants to rest. Sungyeol looks at the bag with the fries in his hands.

“We’re going to find him.” He says to him. To the two of them. “We’re going to find him so don’t worry.”

Woohyun nods at him and Sungyeol eats his chips.

Sunggyu wonders if he’s crying because he’s imagining Sungjong’s butchered body, or if he’s crying because he’s imagining what they’re doing to Myungsoo right now.

He decides he doesn’t want to know.

The first two nights they spend in the streets, by a dumpster in some Seoul suburb, Sungyeol doesn’t sleep.

He just feels wide awake. He sits, backpack in his hands, and a dirty hat Sunggyu found somewhere on his head, and waits for his hyungs to come back. Woohyun brings some food. Sunggyu tries his best to find the fastest track to Busan.

He doesn’t go anywhere, because his clothes stand out. He’s also tall, and has a really memorable face, so Sunggyu tells him to not move an inch until one of them comes back.

Woohyun tries to coax him into sleeping, but he doesn’t want anything. He doesn’t want to even let go of the backpack because it still smells like Myungsoo’s deodorant, even though there’s nothing but garbage all around him.

He doesn’t want to close his eyes.

He’s scared. Scared that if he’ll close his eyes, Sungjong will come to haunt him. Scared that he’ll blame him, accuse him.

He tries to remember, but everything is blurry and gray. All he remembers is how Sunggyu tore down their apartment looking for the package. He remembers how Woohyun was just sitting there, in front of him, on the bloodied floor unable to move.  He remembers how Dongwoo tore him away from Sungjong, but Sungyeol had snot and tears all over him, and his face was red and he felt like puking and dying.

Dongwoo ran around their shared room and packed Myungsoo’s backpack, while he sat on his bed and wept like a baby. He didn’t know what else he should do. Dongwoo made sure he wore his pink sweatshirt, to cover the bloodied shirt. He wiped his bloody face and pushed him after Woohyun.

Sungyeol remembers the sirens of the police as they ran. He doesn’t remember which direction, just Woohyun’s hand on his wrist leading him.

Sungyeol is scared. Terrified from the fact that he might never see Myungsoo. Petrified that he might never hear his voice again.

Only after they leave Seoul, avoiding every possible high-way on the map, he’s able to close his eyes. But he doesn’t dream. Just lays there with closed eyes, listening to the sound of the drizzle against the window.


The girl in the clothing shop looks up from her magazine at the handsome man in front of her. He smiles charmingly. “Say, do I know you from somewhere?”

She tries not to blush, because he’s seriously gorgeous. He has a weird haircut, and she’s pretty sure she knows him from somewhere, but she just flutters her eyelashes. “No, I don’t think so.”

It weird to have customers at this time of the day. It’s almost too early, but she already has two customers. And one of them is incredibly hot. She only glances at the other guy by the coats section returning her gaze to the smiling stranger. “I’m Jang Woo-“

She hears somebody clearing his throat, but she doesn’t care, because he’s about to say his name; “I mean Jang Dongsoo. I’m sorry; you’re really pretty so my words kind of come out messed up.”

She giggles and looks down.

“I live here near by.” He continues. “Are you still in high-school?”


“Which one?”

“Beakshin high.”

“Oh.” He laughs. “I graduated last year! This is why you’re so familiar!”

She doesn’t believe how cute he is, and how lucky she is. She almost pinches herself to make sure she’s not dreaming.

“This might seem a little rude, since we’ve just met and all, but you’re really so cute that I can’t help it. Can I have your phone number?”

“Uh. Yes. Of course.” She attacks her bag to retrieve her stupid iPhone 3, but just then the door closes, and Dongsoo looks at the door for a few seconds. He has the most beautiful profile she ever saw.

She’s too busy searching for the cursed machine to even notice the other guy left with a load shit of clothes.

“I’m sorry for taking your time. I really need to go now.” Dongsoo exclaims over the counter. She looks up from her bag.

“I’ll probably come back sooner or later, so…”

She nods eagerly.

He closes the door after himself.

On the way to the car Woohyun ruffles his hair from the sickening side-partition and fixes it the way he likes it.

“She will recognize me eventually. We’re all over the news.”

“No, she won’t.” Sunggyu argues as he helps Sungyeol out of his sweatshirt. The t-shirt he has underneath is mostly soiled with dried blood. Sungyeol carefully takes it off and Woohyun avoids looking at it. It’s Sungjong’s blood, obviously. In his last minutes, Sungyeol hugged him and tried to stop the bleeding, but Sungjong just clawed at him and cried in panic. He was probably not even conscious, even though his eyes were opened.

Woohyun doesn’t want to see it. Doesn’t want to remember. Doesn’t think of it.

Sunggyu crumples it and goes out of the car to dispose of it in the closest dumpster.

Sungyeol wears the new clothes wordlessly, and when he’s finally in a pair of baggy sweatpants and a plaid normal shirt, he leans back.

“Do you think he’s still alive?”

“He has to be.”

“Woohyun, what do we do if he’s not? What if they killed him?”

“They didn’t kill him, Sungyeol. Myungsoo is fine. We have the package, and they want the package, so Myungsoo is fine. We’ll just do a clean exchange and get the fuck out of there.”

Sungyeol bites his lip. It’s a quiet morning, and their at some god forsaken village near the sea. Woohyun closes his eyes and just doesn’t want to think of anything.

“It should’ve been me.”

“Don’t say that.” He snaps, because he doesn’t want to hear this. Not right now, not when he didn’t sleep for two days straight, not when he’s dirty and smells like puke and rotten food, not when he haven’t eaten for at least a day, not when he is this close to bursting out crying as he remembers Sungjong pleading them to save him.

Sunggyu comes back to the driver’s seat. “Next is Daegu. I’m not stopping on the way. So if you want to take a leak, do it now.”

When Sungjong said he had a Noona girlfriend, nobody believed him.

Frankly, Sungyeol was sure Sungjong had a horrible unrequited love for Howon, for a year now. So when he declared the latter, most of them laughed and dismissed it.

But he did get an older girlfriend. And she was insanely beautiful. When first introduced, all of six of them stood with their mouths ajar. (Sungyeol even dropped some hot sauce on Myungsoo’s leg, and the other didn’t talk to him for two days. Well, actually, it was Sungyeol who refused to talk to Myungsoo for two days, because Myungsoo called him a dumb-ass.)  She was almost unreal. She would turn heads as she passed by. Sungjong seemed so normal and little next to her, like her younger brother. But nonetheless, they looked good together. So Sungyeol was happy for his friend. Sungyeol was happy, period.

The more they went out together, the more Sungyeol found her undeniably attractive. He had never seen someone so pretty. She had a strong, sexy aura around her. She smoked, and wore only the most prestigious clothes. It was more than obvious that she was the daughter of some important face.

The more Sungyeol talked about her before bed, the more Myungsoo will be displeased with her. He would claim that she looks foul and feels fake, and she won’t hesitate to stab Sungjong in the back.

When Sungyeol asked him why can’t he be more supportive, Myungsoo turned his back to him. “I just don’t want him to get hurt.” He said.

One day, Sungjong came home with a package.

“What is it?” Myungsoo asked from his spot. They were just playing some stupid internet game (“Rate your Idol”, Sungyeol remembers it so well it almost hurts) and Sungjong shrugged. “She told me not to open it until she said so.” So he didn’t. Sungyeol was eating himself out of curiosity.

The road is empty after Daegu.

The ride is quiet as hell. Sungyeol is finally asleep.

It’s been woods for long kilometers, when Sunggyu stops the car in the side route. Sunggyu puts a shaky hand on his mouth. “We’re not going to make it in time.”

“Busan is only a few hours away.” Woohyun answers.

Sunggyu finally looks at him. There’s no rain, so deafening silence fills the empty space between them.

The strong Woohyun who pushes him from behind when he’s broken is gone now, and there’s a softer Woohyun instead, the one that loves to have long, intrusive conversations before bed and likes chocolate candies, and spying on Dongwoo.

He’s not sure, who’s the first one to jump, but they’re kissing, and Woohyun’s chapped lips were never sweeter. It uncomfortable, pushing at each other above the clutch control, so Sunggyu pulls him closer by the hair to himself.

Woohyun’s hands invade inside of his coat and into his shirt, searching and holding onto him with his fingernails as if he’s going to slip away any moment. They kiss until their lips are abused and swallowed and until Sunggyu is out of breath and weak, and wants Woohyun till the point of pain and anger and resentment at himself and at the world for making him like that.

Then they just sit there in the driver’s seat and hug each other, tangled up in each other’s limbs and layers of clothing, so powerfully it’s almost suffocating.

Before all this they were best friends, and maybe sometimes fuck-buddies, but now the situation is different. Sunggyu is glad that it wasn’t Woohyun who got a girlfriend. He’s glad that Woohyun wasn’t the one killed, no matter how selfish it sounds. He’s glad Woohyun wasn’t taken away from him, because then he’d be vulnerable and defenseless and he won’t be able to help anyone or make any decisions. He’s glad Woohyun is with him, because he needs Woohyun with him more than he should.

“We’ll bring him back with us no matter what.” Woohyun says into his hair and Sunggyu nods, although he’s not sure who exactly Woohyun tries to convince. “We’ll bring him back, and settle this.”

“Dongwoo is alone there-“

“He has Hoya. They’ll be okay.” Woohyun kisses his forehead and his temple, his cheeks and his ears. “We’re going to be just fine, you’ll see. We’re going to be great. We’ll make sure Sungjong will be remembered.”

It’s just like the day before their debut when they had sex for the first time, but now it’s even more intimate, even though they’re in a red jeep that doesn’t belong to them in the middle of fucking nowhere and it’s so far away from home and from all things familiar.

A truck passes by them and the both of them are startled. Woohyun kisses him again, and trails soft packs down his throat. “I’ll drive to Busan. Take a nap.”

Sunggyu nods and crawls back to Sungyeol.

He doesn’t wake up when Sunggyu draws him into an embrace from the complicated position he fall asleep in. He clutches onto his shirt in an instinct, as if looking for warmth. Sunggyu wonders when the last time he slept this deeply was. Sunggyu wonders if he even slept at all since they left their apartment.

One day, they came home - to their new, beautiful apartment - and got their shit beaten out of them. He had participated in some fights in his life, but he had never been battered with a baseball bat.

Sungjong was on the floor, bathing in his own blood, when Sungyeol first looked up. The guy who had hit him held him by his hair and made them watch as they tortured Sungjong, kicked him and cut him just in front of their eyes. He doesn’t remember much. He just remembers Sungjong’s screams and remembers how he begged them to stop hurting him. His eyes were clouded with tears. So, he doesn’t remember much. Or doesn’t want to remember. He’s not sure.

It didn’t matter how much they asked about the stupid package, Sungjong didn’t give in. Probably because he was in pain and he was hurting so much that he didn’t think of anything else.

When they finished, one of them smashed Myungsoo’s head on the table, (the same table they sat around and ate meals at every evening, feeling famous and important celebrities in the new apartment) and said; “If you want to see him alive, you’ll bring the package to Busan’s docks in the weekend. If you get the police involve, we’ll make sure sending you his body in pieces.” His voice is horribly coarse. He doesn’t remember his face. It was dark. There were probably more than twenty of them. “And when we’re done, we’ll make sure to come after you.”

By the time Hoya and Dongwoo came home, Sungyeol was already hugging a dead body in his hands.

When they arrive to Busan it’s slowly nearing night time.

Sungyeol sits in the car like ordered and waits for his hyungs.

He wants to see Myungsoo.

People are walking around in the cold weather with coats and hats and scarves. He shakes his leg anxiously. He’s hungry and dirty. He wants to take a bath. His hands and torso are covered in bruises, but he had it lucky. Woohyun has a cut on his cheek, which will probably leave a small scar, and his chin is bruised. Sunggyu was hit on his forehead and has a big blue mark. The past couple of days Woohyun had been placing some cream on it, but it really swallowed up. He covers it with his hair and it’s barely noticeable.

He wants to see Myungsoo. He wants to ruffle his hair. He wants to hear his voice. To see his face.

He wasn’t a very patient person to begin with, but now he’s practically crawling on the walls with expectations. He needs to see Myungsoo.

It doesn’t matter what they did to him anymore. Even if he’s dead, Sungyeol has to see him. He has to say goodbye, even if only once.

He needs Myungsoo.

His family isn’t very religious, but Sungyeol interlaces his fingers, and leans his forehead on them and simply prays. He prays for Myungsoo. He prays for himself. He prays for Sungjong to make it to heaven safely. And then he prays again for Myungsoo, but for more selfish reasons.

For some odd reason, he remembers the push Dongwoo gave him out of the door.

“I have to stay with him,” Sungyeol screamed and struggled, but Woohyun pulled him after himself. “We’ll stay with him. You have to go.” Dongwoo’s hands were shaking. “We’ll stay with him.” He repeated. The last thing he remembers is Howon’s face, bloody hand on his mouth, and he just looks broken. Broken and utterly stupefied, standing there, in the middle of their living-room, looking down on the corpse of his friend.

Sungjong, who will never marry or have children. Sungjong, who will never run after him if he stole the remote control. Sungjong will never sing anymore. Sungjong will never dance again.

Sungjong will never be there with them as they climb to the top. Sungjong will never witness it.

Sungyeol doesn’t want to lose Myungsoo this way. So he interlaces his hands. And prays.

Woohyun enters the car and dumps a carton with warm noodles on his lap.

“I’m not hungry.”

“Don’t be a brat. If you’re going to faint on me during the exchange, I’ll throw you to the water.”

He takes a few bites and it’s delicious but it burns and he wants to puke it out. He gags and hands him back the packet. Woohyun stares at him. “Can you swallow?” He asks more seriously.

Sungyeol nods and although it’s hard and painful as hell, he downs the food. Woohyun lifts his chin.

He takes a sharp intake and looks down. Sungyeol knows his neck doesn’t look that good, and that it hurts to swallow. He’s been kicked pretty hard on his neck. But he’s really not hungry. He wants to see Myungsoo.

“It’ll be over soon.” He promises, and Sungyeol is sick of listening to his promises.

“I know.”

“We’ll come back and bury Sungjong.”

“They already buried him without us.”

Woohyun doesn’t know what to say to that. “Do you think I didn’t hear you and Sunggyu talk? They’re blaming us for his murder. I know. Even if we come back, we’ll go to prison.”

Woohyun doesn’t answer again, so Sungyeol continues. “It doesn’t matter right now. As long as we find Myungsoo, it doesn’t matter.”

It’s already past sunset when Sunggyu returns and all Woohyun can do is endure his anger and grit his teeth. He was worried out of his mind.

“Sorry, it took me a while.” Is all he says. Woohyun wants to punch him and shove him out of the car so he’ll freeze to death outside.

Sunggyu scans their faces before taking out a gun out of his pocket.

“What the fuck?! Sunggyu!”

“Those men will be armed. And there’s no grantee they will let us go.”

“Where did you even buy this thing?!” He’s beyond pissed off and he doesn’t even want to see the weapon in his lover’s hand, but it’s there. It’s obviously there. “You don’t even know how to use it!”

“I do. My father took me to a shooting range a few times.”

Woohyun slaps his hand and makes the thing fall to the floor of the car. “Sunggyu! It was supposed to be clean and just… Let’s just give them the fucking package and get the fuck out!” His voice fails him, it’s cracked and coarse and unstable.

“Do you even know what was in that package?” Sunggyu yells. “Drugs. And probably the really expensive time that costs over a few millions. These are not some kindergarten bullies, Woohyun. They killed Sungjong right in front of our eyes-“

“Don’t you understand they can kill you? How am I…? What am I…?” For the first time in his life he’s lost of how to act or what to say. He just wants to go back to the dorm, and to his singing, and to pretty girls in mini-skirts that prance around Seoul, and to Sunggyu’s fevered kisses in the middle of the night.

A moment ago, they all wanted fame and were concerned about their appearances and getting their nails done, and now they’re above their heads in dirt, and Woohyun is suffocating from it. From it all.

Sungyeol picks up the gun. He doesn’t even know how to hold it properly.

“It’s like in the video games, right? You just pull the trigger?”

“You have to load it first. Like this.” Woohyun doesn’t want to hear or see Sunggyu showing Sungyeol how to shot, so he exits the car.

They can’t do jack. They can’t shot anyone. They know how dance. And how to sing. And how to do cute poses. They can’t save Myungsoo. They can’t use a gun.

It’s freezing cold outside. His whole body shakes. But not because of the frost, but because he’s never been this afraid all his life. For his life, for Sunggyu’s life, and for Myungsoo’s life.

Sunggyu follows him, but they just stand there, in the cold.

“I love you.” He says. And Woohyun closes his ears and starts to sing the national anthem. He knows that Sunggyu says it because there might be a chance that he will not be able to say those words again and Woohyun refuses to admit it and refuses to hear this half assed confession.

Sunggyu snickers at first, so he says it again and again and removes Woohyun’s hands from his ears. His hands are warm, and it’s cold. He kisses him again and again. Woohyun lets him.

Sungyeol probably sees them from the car, but they don’t care. They’re in the middle of the parking lot of some busy neighborhood in Busan and they’re making out in the frost, but for once, they don’t care.

A black sleek car stands in the abandoned, southern dock of Busan. It’s empty this time of the day.

“Stay here.” Sunggyu says, but Woohyun comes out after him, and Sungyeol is most definitely not going to stay in the car alone.

“Oh! So you really came!” It’s a man in a trench coat, and Sungyeol recognizes his face, but doesn’t want to connect it with memories. There are two more men beside them and they all chuckle, like its funny.  “Me and my guys were beginning to get real bored, here, didn’t we? How about you show us some killer moves from your newest dance, hmm?”

“Where is Myungsoo?” Sunggyu asks.

“Ah! Right to business! I like that. But how do I know you have the package?”

“You don’t. Not until you show us that he’s alive.”

The man glares at Sunggyu for the response he gets. He examines him with his eyes; Sunggyu is wearing a black Fila raincoat and a pair of pants from home. He doesn’t look all that intimidating, but his voice is. Sungyeol knows it all too well, how Sunggyu’s voice can penetrate through you, leaving a bullet hole.

“You’ve got some spunk for skinny idols.” He eventually says, and turns to face one of the men behind him. The thug nods, opens the trunk of the car, and throws Myungsoo on the floor.

He has his eyes tied and his mouth gagged, he’s all in blood and cuts, and he just limply lies there. He’s still wearing his stupid green plaid shirt and Sungyeol remembers making fun of him in the elevator on their way to the apartment. It was just a few days ago.

“What did you do to him?! Did you kill him?!” He screams at the man. He uncovers Myungsoo’s eyes, and throws the gag away. His left eyebrow is slit opened and blood gushes from it. He’s been bleeding excessively from his mouth, but he’s warm. Warmer than Sungjong. Sungyeol hugs Myungsoo to him, but then feels something cold touching the back of his head.

“Heart warming. Really. Is he your brother or something?” He laughs and then abruptly stops; “Give me the package. Now.”

Woohyun takes out the package from the backpack.

“Sungyeol. Take Myungsoo to the car.” Sunggyu orders.

Sungyeol barely manages to rise from his position, legs in the dirt, leaning by Myungsoo. Myungsoo is a lot heavier than he looks, and Sungyeol feels a weakness at his legs, because the gun is still aimed to his nape, and will still blow his brains out any second.

Sunggyu is toying with the package in his hands as Sungyeol goes by him, and shoves Myungsoo on the front seat of the car. He kisses his forehead.

Myungsoo smells of blood and sweat and dirt and fuel, but Sungyeol loves it. He loves every second of it. Because it’s Myungsoo. And although he has a wound on his head, his hair is still messy and difficult, and he still has a solemn expression with his eyes close, and it’s Myungsoo. And he’s breathing. It’s wonderful.

When he looks back, Sunggyu is still toying with the package.

“How does it feel to be murderers? You’ve taken so much publicity these couple of days that we almost felt jealous.” The thugs behind him laugh, as if he once again said a joke. “Such a shame, though,” The man waves the package in his hands. “To kill young men in their prime-“

“Myungsoo is buckled up.” Sungyeol announces, just by the plan, and from there things go as smoothly as they should. Woohyun kicks the man’s legs and Sunggyu grabs him and holds the gun to his temple.

If there’s something they’re good at, its timing.

“Drop your guns, now!” He yells at the thugs as he takes a few steps back with their leader. “Drop your fucking guns!”

“He’s bluffing, his hand is shaking!” The man calls for them, but then Sunggyu shots the cement and the echo rings through the abandoned dock.

“I don’t have anything to lose anyway, do I? Whether I shot you or not I’m still a murderer!”

The two gangsters look at loss now. One of them tosses his gun to the floor.

“Rev the car, now.”

Sungyeol does as told. He only had twelve driving lessons, but he’ll manage somehow.

“I’ll kill him if you make one move!” Sunggyu promises, and as the man struggles to say something, Sunggyu loads the gun again.

The minute Sunggyu is in the car, Sungyeol speeds off.

They shot two bullets but neither hits the car.

“You fucking rascals!”

“Shit, tie his hands, already!”

“Shut the fuck up, Sunggyu, I’m trying okay?!”

“I’ll make sure to find a really nice spot to bury you!” the mafia guy keeps yelling curses in air.

“Where do I go from here?! Where should I go?!” Sungyeol sees the black car speeding off to catch up to them.

“Just drive already, you idiot!”

“Turn right!”

“Drive, drive, Sungyeol!”

Before Sungyeol even begins to turn, the black car hits them full force, and they slide on the frozen cement like on butter.

The men in the other car don’t really seem to care, and dump into their car again, but Sungyeol takes backwards at full speed, since it’s the only maneuver he was yet been taught and the black car ends up the one off the dock and in the water.

Sungyeol doesn’t stop pressing on the gas, though, and they crash into some building or some pole, and he gets knocked out by the power of the hit.

When he first wakes up, it’s because it’s raining. And he always had been a light sleeper.

Then pain takes over, and it hurts and pounds and he sputters out blood and snaps his eyes open.

They are still in the docks. He can’t move his legs.

He gasps for air, and unbuckles his seat-belt, slowly trying to reach for the door, but before he even can; “Sungyeol…” It’s Myungsoo, and Sungyeol isn’t sure if he’s asleep or not, because the surrounding is blurry, and Myungsoo’s face isn’t much focused.

“Sungyeol,” he catches his hand, and Sungyeol isn’t sure why there’s tears forming in his eyes again, and he doesn’t care that he’s all in blood and the pains in his chest or the stirring ache in his head or the fact that he can’t feel his legs. He doesn’t see anything. Just lights and shadows. Yet he can feel Myungsoo’s hand. He wipes his eyes quickly, to confirm, to make sure it’s not an illusion and that he’s not dreaming. Myungsoo is right there, although his eyes are barely opened. Easily, just like that, their fingers interlace.

“You look horrible.” Myungsoo says eventually, and Sungyeol is weeping by now, because he needed to hear that insult all week.

“I need to call home. I need to tell them that it’s over. They’ll… they’ll send someone.”

Myungsoo nods, though Sungyeol is sure he’s not fully aware of what’s going on. He looks backwards. Both Sunggyu, gun still in his hand, and Woohyun are still unconscious. Woohyun is bleeding from his nose, and that can’t be good. The man sitting between them has his eyes opened, but he’s not moving, and Sungyeol doesn’t care. He reaches for the bag, through the millions of shreds of glass and finds Sunggyu’s turned off cell-phone.

He ignores the hundred of missed calls, and with a shaky hand calls the last number dialed.

Surprisingly, it rings just two times until Dongwoo answers.

“Dongwoo,” he cries into the line. “Dongwoo,” He can’t even form coherent words between sobs. Everything just hurts.

“Myungsoo?” Dongwoo asks, his voice is concerned, and Sungyeol can hear other people in the room and knows it’s probably the police, but its fine now. It’s going to be fine, no matter what happens.

“He’s holding my hand.” He says honestly, and as if on cue, Myungsoo tightens his grip. “He’s okay. He’s with me.” His voice is really weak, and he’s not sure if Dongwoo heard him.

Dongwoo doesn’t answer, and he hears more people talking. “We’re coming to get you, Sungyeol.” Although further away from the phone, he hears Hoya’s voice perfectly fine; “We’re coming to get you back home.” And that’s more than enough to make him happy.


I know, sorry for coming out with hardcore stuff right from the start. This is the first infinite fic I ever wrote, and it's really close to my heart.

Sorry for all the grammar\spelling mistakes. :( My mother language isn't English, so I hope this was readable.

oneshot, woogyu, myungyeol

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