Becoming a dancing queen (is not an easy path) for EVERYONE

Sep 05, 2014 02:35

Title: Becoming a dancing queen (is not an easy path)
Pairing(s): Chanyeol/Nana, slight!Sehun/Raina
Rating: G
Length: 2116w
Summary: Chanyeol wants to be a dancer and earn billions. Jinah wants students. Nana is just there.
Author's note: I hope you enjoy it! The fic is really boring and it has no plot but it's written and I don't really know what I wanted to do with this... I apologize for that, I wanted to have written smth longer but I only had 3 hours orz sorry haha enjoy!

"Mom!" Chanyeol whines. "I already said that it's too hard for me to follow!"

Chanyeol's mother turns to her whining child and sighs, hands on her hips and sweat covering her forehead. She hisses, how could she give birth to such annoying kid?

"Okay, fine? Fine. You can go have dance classes with someone else. But I'm not paying." She gathers up her things and exits the room, all the anger going out with her as she makes her way to her room to take a nice hot and refreshing shower.

"Son of a bitch." She murmurs before slamming the bathroom door.

Chanyeol doesn't hear a thing after his mother said the words he's been waiting to hear for a long time. A week and two days, to be exact. He can finally have dance classes in a real dance school. YESSSSSSS WOHOOO Chanyeol doesn't even make the effort to hide his excitement.

At age 16, Park Chanyeol decides that he'll become a professional dancer and make billions of money. You just wait mom, I'm gonna show you my abilities.

In the first dance school Chanyeol sign ups for, he drops out after 5 minutes. "Too hard," he said to his teacher and apologized. The second school he tried was extremely boring, at least to the teen Park Chanyeol, whom excitement was beyond the slow movements. "Too slow," he said to his teacher and apologized. There were only old people, anyway, Chanyeol thought after a while. "And too old." He added.

He was kicked out of that school before he could even say a final goodbye.

Feeling down for not finding the right dance school yet, he decides to take some ice cream on the way back to his home. In the ice cream store, a kpop song is being played. "Cream cream cream cream" Chanyeol watches as the video clip changes from Hyuna to a group of three girls. All Chanyeol could see for a moment in the video is patbingsu. Wow, he thought, the patbingsu looks like they put make up on it. But, another thing that gets his attention is one of the three girls, one with two braids. She seems tall and very skinny, long legs and pale skin. She resembles Chanyeol of his neighbor Oh Sehun that has the exact tone of skin and brown hair.

(He also has this ridiculous crush on Chanyeol's cousin that happens to be his neighbor and is called Hyerin that does ballet. Sehun also started doing ballet for 2 reasons: 1. Hyerin 2. He likes to dance, not his favorite kind of dance, but his mother was quite pleased with his dancing skills on ballet.)

But this girl wore a pretty smile, pink lip gloss around her plump thin lips, instead of the desperate and poker face Sehun always wears. Chanyeol even hums to the song after it was over and the News of the day started.
"Uh hu huhuhuhuhunhuhuhu abing abing," he sings, eating his ice cream. Then after a few topics from the News, they put another music video to play.

This time, there are three girls wearing costumes of the little Red Riding Hood singing and dancing (typical kpop clips, Chanyel thought). The song is also pretty cool and catchy, something that isn't very common these days. Chanyeol usually listens to heavy metal and rock songs, but these songs can be an exception for his collection.

The name of the group's Orange Caramel, and Chanyeol finds their songs pretty cute, even if they are a bit repetitive. After paying for another ice cream he'll take for Sehun, since that kid is always in his bedroom wanting to talk about Hyerin Hyerin Hyerin, Chanyeol started to like his company.

In his way out, he sees a banner on the wall. New dance school, Apple Cinnamon, will open this Saturday, at 4:00pm with the winner of Dance Queen season 7, Im JiNah! Don't lose your chance to meet the Star!

Chanyeol looks at his watch, 3:48pm. He remembers the date, today is the 6th, a Saturday.

The ice cream is left on the pavement of the street.

"Hello everyone~! My name's Im Jinah and I'll be your dance teacher from now on! I hope you all enjoy today's class." Jinah says, looking at every student on the class. Except that there is none. "Oh come on, how come no one is here?" She whines, stomping her feet.

Suddenly, a loud bump from the door being opened is heard and Jinah turns to the door. "Sorry, am I late?" Chanyeol says, sweat covering his face and shirt. Ew, Jinah thinks, but better than nothing.

"Hello! What's your name?" Jinah asks, smiling as Chanyeol makes his way to the center of the room, where Jinah currently is.

"I'm Chanyeol, but you need to teach me how to become a professional dancer." Chanyeol pleads.

Silly boy, Jinah laughs internally. "Of course! We can talk about the payment after our class, so what do you want to dance? I can teach you anything!"

Chanyeol doesn't know many songs so he just says the first one that comes to mind. "Abing Abing."

Jinah smile wavers a little and she blinks multiple times. Stupid boy, she sighs. "Okay so let's start with the principal movement of the dance, the "you talk too much and I'm cold" move."

Chanyeol nods enthusiastically and tries to imitate her moves.

"One two three four, five six seven eight. Got it?" Jinah says, smile glued to her face.

Chanyeol gives out a little laugh and asks "One more?"

Jinah smiles and shows the moves again, Chanyeol trying hard to follow her hand gestures and stomping feet. Jinah looks just like the girl with braids in the Music Video, so that makes her kind of pretty, except that she's bare faced and has her hair in a bun. The pretty dancer type, Chanyeol assumes.

"I think I got it." He says, re-doing the movements he was just taught.

Jinah smiles a bit, her frown visible as Chanyeol tries to imitate her. Chanyeol tries hard, really hard, stomping his feet on the ground to represent a walk and his hands going from one side to another - something that shouldn't happen in this move.

Before Chanyeol can try to learn any more dance steps, Jinah interrupts his thoughts with her sweet voice and tells him that class is over.

Chanyeol furrows his eyebrows, but just nods and excuses himself, thanking her for the class.

When he reach the gates of the dance school he checks his cellphone. 4:32pm.

In the following week, Chanyeol tries his best to practice the dance move Jinah taught him. He sings the "Asak asak asak siwonhaeseo abing abing~". He gets more and more infatuated with the braid's girl and ends up searching about her and the other fellows from Orange Caramel. Her names's Nana, she's 5’6 tall, she weighs 49 kg and she's one of the most beautiful girls he's ever seen. (Except for the girls of his family, because they all look like him so, of course, they're all pretty.)

The others are called Lizzy and Raina, their informations are unknown. At least for Chanyeol. But he did notice how his cousin looks like that Raina girl. Same cute nose, thin pink lips and big eyes. Strange, he thought, the girl that did ballet all her life couldn't be a hallyu star. Not without telling him first and having the cute Nana as a friend.

So Chanyeol does his best with his dance moves and as soon as Saturday comes around, Chanyeol is in front of the practice room door at exact 4pm. When he knocks on the door, Jinah answers with a sweet 'come in'.

Jinah's making a bun with her hair, both hands helping her with the hair elastic and her shirt is a bit lifted, showing her tummy (that has no, absolute nothing, 0 fat). Chanyeol gulps, clearly affected by the scene of an older, and pretty, woman doing nothing but showing a bit of skin to a boy that's going from teen to adult. In a few years.

"So, shall we start?" She asks, hands clasped together and smile reaching her ears. Chanyeol nods enthusiastically. You can do this Chanyeol!

After thirty minutes of class, Chanyeol is lying on the floor, gulping for oxygen and drowning with his own sweat. Jinah has her hands on her hips, looking completely annoyed. They changed songs from Abing Abing to Magic girl and Chanyeol feels like dying. That dance is harder than he thought. "Come on Chanyeol, you can do this.: Jinah rolls her eyes, pulling him up from the ground with both hands. She cleans his sweat with her towel and gives him a cup of water. "There, there little boy. Now, let's finish this dance." Chanyeol gulps all the water he has in his mouth and nods. The encouraging words Jinah says to him while she teaches the choreography are motivating.

"Focus Chanyeol, are you stupid or what?"

Almost all words.

In the third class he has with Jinah, he doesn't suffer like he did in the past class. He sweats, a lot, as always, but instead of feeling pain and sore all over his body, he feels content. His stomach also hurts because of laughing too much with Jinah. They look like younger brother and older sister, even if they've seen each other for only 3 times and for barely 5 hours. Even if it doesn't look like it, Jinah's a cute and funny person, someone that would make your day only with a smile. She got many new techniques to teach Chanyeol new dance moves (though most part of them are from Orange Caramel songs, not that Chanyeol minds).

"We're finished, our first complete dance in only 3 classes." Jinah jumps around and hugs Chanyeol, making him also jump even if he's kind of embarrassed because of their proximity.

He coughs "Yeah, uh very inspirational and uhn cool." He blinks as Jinah makes face and releases him.

"Let's go another time with Magic girl and then we can start another one right away!" Jinah says, feeling accomplished of being able to teach Chanyeol. Chan Yeol

Chanyeol feels like dying again.

In the next couple of days they learn new choreographies such as So sorry, Catallena, Aing Aing~♡, My copycat and they even got the idea to create a choreography for one of their songs. Chanyeol has also been listening to Nana's solo 'Close your eyes' and his wish is that he could listen to her singing this in a live performance and he could then tell her, "You're mine!"

Of course, in his dream he has many muscles, an amazing body, a fierce look on his face and styled hair and not long hair anymore. Maybe one day, he tells to himself.

"So, let's go!" Jinah says, pointing to the sky and making a move to walk, but ending up screaming because of a spider on the ceiling.

"Oh my God a spider, where?!" Chanyeol screams, hiding behind a chair in a far corner.

Jinah looks at him, rolling her eyes. "Wow, so manly."

Maybe one day.

There's something in Jinah that makes Chanyeol feels a bit nervous when she comes closer. When she talks, he noticed, he gets shivers on his spine and a throbbing on his stomach. It starts to hurt a little when he's having his second dance class in the week (because he implored his mother to pay double so he could learn more dance moves two times a week) and he sees Jinah talking with one of the other dance teachers, Lee Joon. The hot male teacher that teaches his students to rip shirts and do body waves. Tsk, he doesn't know what real dancing is, Chanyeol thinks, making face when Jinah laughs at something Joon said.

Chanyeol feels like dying once again.

It's on a rainy day that Chanyeol realizes that he's not in love with Nana, but with her appearance. He listens to an interview of Orange Caramel on A song for you season 8, where they decide to sing their solos and Nana sings her song 'Close your eyes', but Chanyeol thinks that the song would sound extra good if someone else sang it. Someone he sees two times a week.

"Do you have a boyfriend?" Chanyeol asks Jinah in their break. Jinah looks at him and shakes her head to the sides. "Sadly no."

He nods, hiding the smile that's starting to form by biting on his bottom lip. Jinah looks at him, questioning his sanity.

Well, Chanyeol can live with that.

Final author's note: funny fact: Raina's real name is Oh Hyerin. Also I left some song names in the fic, try to get them all (2 or so) haha thank you for reading!

pairing: nana, rating: g, 2014

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