Title: The Bucket Wars
Pairing: OT12, slight Hunhan, slight Seho, slight Baekyeol, slight Taoris, slight Kaisoo
Genre: crack
Rating: PG-13
Length: 3.2 K
Summary: EXO-K takes on the ALS challenge and unintentionally starts a war with EXO-M
AN: Inspired by
this video of Super Junior members dumping ice water on themselves for the challenge.
When Chanyeol hears that the Super Junior sunbaes are throwing buckets of ice water on themselves for the ALS cause, the first thing he does is steal his mom’s biggest kimchi-making tub. )
Suddenly, Yixing, who has been counting the opposite K-members and repeatedly coming up short, asks loudly, “Where are Chanyeol and Baekhyun?” As if in direct reply, a loud rhythmic thumping sound comes from the dorm above. Everyone turns green this time. When Baekhyun’s moaning starts to filter through, Jongdae actually has to leave the room to find a toilet to be sick in. That turns out to be the last straw for Suho.
He stands abruptly and claps Wufan on the shoulder. “Hyung, you are EXO-K’s leader now. I hope you guide both groups safely to the top because so far you’ve done a great job as EXO-M’s leader. I. Believe. In. YOU,” Suho says with such faithful eyes that they almost sparkle with emotion, the way Luhan’s do naturally even when he's being particularly evil. When he’s sure the message has been sent and received, Wufan gives him kind of a shaky nod, Joonmyun leaves the dorm and heads straight to the Suju apartments to cry his eyes out on Leeteuk’s shoulder.
After Suho leaves, Wufan goggles at the remaining members. “I was EXO-M’s leader?”
When that moan came and Suho said N O P E and bounced the fuck out I died laughing
Tears I tell you...tears...GREATNESS
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