I really don't want to be rude, but some people need to be hit over the head with a two by four. (Starting with my son, today, but that's another kettle of fish.)
If anyone has a comment to make on one of my posts and doesn't want others to read, please send a PM via
yellowrosetx@http://www.livejournal.com/inbox/compose.bml?user=yellowrosetx. (Unless it's a snail mail address that you're deleting then I'll be saving the e-mail comment as I would be aware those were coming.)
It becomes increasingly frustrating to find things that I either replied to or wanted to have disappeared not only from my LJ, but are marked as deleted in my inbox instead of intact as they should be. Yes, I get them in e-mail, but who knew I had to save those too, after all, (repeating) I have an inbox where these things should remain as they were sent. Whoever decided that those comments become deleted from the inbox as well instead of remaining as they were when sent needs a smack in the head.
I'm in my late forties, I have memory issues enough without have part of the info I want to hang onto stolen. Things disappearing from various places becomes annoying.
The polite version: Please don't do that to me it aggravates me to no end. What you do in your LJ is your business.
The rude version: KITFO! (KNOCK IT THE FUCK OFF!)
Carry on.