Sunday... Sunday... (backdated)

Mar 13, 2005 17:20

Good Thought for the Day
Things of beauty are joys forever including the memories of them.
Random Thoughts for Today (Possible words of Wisdom)
Why is it that nature seems to allow us to gain wisdom as we get older, but it also makes us forget what we learned?
Cool Sites for Today
Making Memories (scrapbooking supplies, etc.)
Scrapbook Memories
Creating False Memories, this article is a psychological study on memories that had been implanted in people's minds.

Quotes for Today
"The remembrance of a beloved mother becomes a shadow to all our actions; it precedes or follows them"
Memory is the treasury and guardian of all things.
[Lat., Memoria est thesaurus omnium rerum e custos.]
- Cicero (Marcus Tullius Cicero), De Oratore (I, 5)
" A girl has to have her pretties"
-- Moi
Lyrics of the Day
Remember when
the sound of little feet
was the music
We danced to week to week
Brought back the love, we found trust
Vowed we'd never give it up
Remember when
Alan Jackson - Remember When
Word/Phrase of the Day
3 entries found for remembrance.
re·mem·brance ( P ) Pronunciation Key (r-mmbrns)
The act or process of remembering.
The state of being remembered: holds him in fond remembrance.
Something serving to celebrate or honor the memory of a person or event; a memorial.
The length of time over which one's memory extends.
Something remembered; a reminiscence.
A souvenir.
A greeting or token expressive of affection.
Today's Trivia or Question
Is there a special memory that you call to mind when you need to laugh or otherwise feel better?
Bitch-o-gram of the Day
Gads.. .if my memory slips this much now I'll be in deep kimchee when I'm older.
We now return you to the regularly scheduled rambling LJ entry for the day......
I'm tired, giddy, and out there as I told two friends. Those moods are good, though. It means I am in a positive state of mind.
For Valentine's Day, I got what I call a baby windchime. Other than Christmas, my husband usually says.. pick something. So... I did.. I'm so easily amused. This little thing cost under 3 dollars and is sooo cool! I have it dangling from the pull cord for the ceiling fan over my desk. And like a curious toddler, I reach up every so often and give it a tap so I can hear the music. There's a butterfly with springy wings that acts as a weight for the center bead. The wings flutter a bit as the butterfly swings. It brings back a lot of memories. My maternal grandmother had windchimes at her house. I seem to recall giving her one that was a Christmasy theme. A big thanks to ldygwynedd for reminding me of the simple pleasures and great treasures that a wind chime represents.
Monday is an out of the house mornish time as there are supposed to be gamers over here tomorrow afternoon. I need to return the raingear I got for Kevin, seems the company only allows black raingear and this is grey and dark blue.
I finished scanning another notebook of craft patterns. Going through one of my plastic canvas pattern note books today, will try to get the egg or rattle done while I scan. Also searching in the PC patterns for an Easter basket or will try to get a pattern off the one magazine I have. Somehow the patterns in the magazine went missing or I never had them. I bought it used, so I don't remember for certain.
All in all, Sunday was a good day.

valentine, kevin, lyrics, themed_format, friends, christmas, music, crafts, quotes, gwyn, easter

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