I haven't posted a good long post in a while. LJ's power outtage withstanding, I have been doing a lot of introspective thinking. I suppose I could have posted my thoughts privately, but the thoughts were jumbled. Too jumbled, I think for me to put them into tangible form.
I'm about ready to strangle one of the household felines. The old one is just being a bitch, she knows damned well where the litterbox is, she just expects it clean thirty seconds after she uses it. Tomorrow, she will have a most unpleasant experience. Tom is cleaning out the large dog crate and she gets to live in that. I just can't keep up with cleaning up after her anymore. I'm tired of getting physically ill because she thinks she can drop where she wants. :(
A few weeks back, we started closing the cats out of the bedroom. My husband would roll over and find wet spots in the bed... eww. The weird thing was the bed had been fully made and somehow they crawled up under the covers and sometimes the pillows to do this. Some have put the old cat's behave down to old age, she's like 15, but it's happened on and off for years. Being old is the only thing that has saved her from becoming an outside cat, that and me telling my husband that I don't want her being killed by someone or something on my conscience. Caging her might seem very cruel to some, but the alternatives are far far worse.
6:55 PM
I need to start supper about 8:30. Making Banquet fried chicken and seasoned potatoes. Might do corn on the cob. Also need to finish laundry, clean living room and clear up kitchen. Tom needs to scrub his bathroom and do the dog crate. Crate can wait until tomorrow, but the bathroom should be done tonight.
May or may not RP tonight, not sure. Might hit the bed early, going to try to take the car tomorrow. Big event.. first time I'm taking it for the day since I broke my ankle in June. Kevin will be working at an easily found gate that's not far from home, so, this is good. Tuesday, I will clean my office.
If I take the car, I need/want to: go to the bank to make deposits, pay bills, grocery shop, hit Hobby Lobby for a few things. Might have the oil change done while I'm at it since Hobby Lobby is short walk from the Kwik Kar oil change place.
Been taking part in the AOL Sims 2 board. Most of the people use understandable language. One punk started babbling in some form of netspeak and got whacked upside the head. Apparently, it's a 13 year old. It was interesting to note that they really whapped her when she told the other posters that the game was for kids and not old people. Ohhhh boy.
Last night, my husband surprised me. He called home to ask for something and Tom told him that I was cleaning and was putting up the laundry. Originally, he had wanted to ask me to make the seasoned potatoes that he likes so much to go with the chicken I was planning for dinner. Instead, he asked me to call Outback and find out what time they closed on Saturday night and that he would take me out if they would still be open late enough for us to get dinner when he got home. Outback closes on Saturday at 11:30, so... out we went. It was one of his more thoughtful days for which I am most graetful. :)
I'm going to switch out my laundry again.
7:45 PM
One load (possibly two) to wash, one load washing, one load drying and another put away. Off to clean up Kevin's room. I try to go in there every week or so and clear up trash and stuff.
8:10 PM
Kevin's room cleared.
Recent audio books:
Ginger: My Story by Ginger Rogers,
The Body in the Closet and Plumbing for Willy : More Stories from The Lottery Winner by Mary Higgins Clark, and
The Women of Brewster Place by Gloria Naylor. I back tracked about 3 days of LJ posts to see what all I missed.
8:45 PM
Chicken in the oven, need to make the potatoes so that they are ready when the timer goes off. Miles to go before I sleep.
More laundry done and put up. Dinner cleaned up, dishes done. Living room cleaned. Too tired and sore to finish the kitchen tonight. It's a good tired, though as I accomplished much today.