Jan 17, 2007 20:14
I need to sleep. Homework is consuming me. I've got 6 hours of sleep for the past two days combined. I used to be used to getting 4 hours every night, but I'm for some reason so tired, I feel sick. Headache and such..
I'm so excited for this party this upcomming Saturday. I'm not excited though, that when I invited one friend over, she invited three other people over, one whom I don't even know. Not that I haven't met her or don't like her on the surface - I just have never had a conversation with her about anything at all. I don't think I'm going to be very comfortable around her either. I'm predicting I might cancel it and have a little time to myself, or a little time with different people, like only one.. because I'm not in the mood for multiple people.
Well, this week is almost over. I can't wait. I'm so tired. I GET TO SLEEP ON THE WEEKEND!! Oh, what joy that brings me!
"And it occured to me that there was no difference between men, in intelligence or race, so profound as the difference between the sick and the well."
--The Great Gatsby
^*I've been doing Gatsby notes for AP Block, I like this quote*^