I just don't think I'll ever get over you.

May 20, 2006 22:43

31 days left of Germany.

Ah! I'm applying for an internship in Cologne for next summer. Call me silly but this place has grown on me.

Through all the bitching I've done I've found something, someone, and some place that I love. That I truely love. And I did it alone.

It hurts to think that after everything we've been through you can so easily brush me aside and act as if I was never important. If that is so, and I am so easy to forget then so was it meant to be. I will be all the better for it because relationships are double sided. Each side is responsible for the growth and strength of the reltionship and you failed on yours.
Thanks for what you meant, and good bye to what we could have been.

Reverse Culture Shock here I come.

P.s. If you've got the time, and the desire. I will land in Wichita on June 23rd at 9:45 p.m.

P.s.s. Bring french fries.
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